• Tokyo: 01:15
  • Singapore: 00:15
  • Dubai: 20:15
  • London: 16:15
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UN Cop28 conference: First decision establishes fund for climate disaster assistance to poorest and most vulnerable countries.


First Day of COP28: Countries Agree to Operationalise Loss and Damage Fund
December 01, 2023

First decision reached at the conference is to establish a fund to a... read more

A group of delegates from different countries attending the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP).


Let's Learn About COP 28 and its Significance
November 29, 2023

COP 28 refers to the United Nations Climate Change Conference taking p... read more

Bee pollen grains, a rising health dietary in the UAE, offer impressive nutritional benefits and potential health-enhancing properties.


How Bee Pollen is Becoming One of the Important Health Dietary in UAE
November 28, 2023

In recent years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has seen a significant... read more

A close-up view of a honey bee infested with varroa destructor mites. The mites can be seen attached to the bee's body, specifically the fat body organ.


A New Approach to Help Honey Bees
November 27, 2023

Varroa destructor mites are bad news for honey bees. Not only do th... read more

The collaboration between the UN Climate Change Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the Group on Earth Observation (GEO).


Using Earth Observation Technology to Drive Climate Action
November 23, 2023

Under the Early Warnings for All programme, the UN Climate Change Tech... read more

A jar of polyfloral honey, a type of honey derived from the nectar of multiple flower species.


Is Polyfloral Honey the Best Natural Honey?
November 22, 2023

Honey is a beloved natural sweetener that has been used for centuries... read more