At COP28 | A New Roadmap For Climate Action Is Expected


Two officials discussing a possible roadmap to combat climate change at a meeting in Berlin.

According to officials, the Cop28 summit in the UAE could result in a new global battle plan to combat the worst effects of climate change.

A new "road map" may lay out a strategy for transitioning to sustainable energy and assisting vulnerable countries in disaster preparedness.

The concept was explored at a meeting in Berlin this week co-hosted by Germany and the UAE.


Specific suggestions, such as establishing a global renewable energy target, will be negotiated in the coming months.

However, officials applauded the idea of a "transformational road map" in a four-page summary produced by Germany and the UAE.

According to the two countries, the Cop28 negotiations "should be used as an opportunity to assess gaps, course correct, and set the direction."


Scientists warn that there isn't much time left to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels.

Any higher, and portions of the world, such as islands, rainforests, polar and mountain regions, may no longer be able to adapt — but scientists say the 1.5°C target may still be fulfilled with drastic action this decade.

The Berlin memo stated that diplomats intend to utilise global climate talks "including a potential road map at Cop28... to respond to these findings."


Possible solutions


Diplomats stated in a list of "solutions that a road map could highlight" that any clean energy target could be linked with an energy efficiency goal.

Diplomats "emphasised the need for a goal to be underpinned by instruments to support developing countries," according to the report.

Countries are interested in cooperating to extend their electricity infrastructure, which is considered as an important step towards employing more renewables.


Another approach under consideration is to use carbon prices to transfer money away from fossil fuels and towards renewables.

Taxes on polluting industries such as shipping, oil, and gas might be reinvested in climate action.

Cop26 in the United Kingdom ended in squabbles because India pushed through a last-minute modification weakening a vow to phase out coal power.


However, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock stated that Cop28 should "herald the end of the fossil fuel era."

A Cop28 road map should also consider how countries can adapt to climate change that cannot be stopped.

One idea is to implement "comprehensive risk management" for climate-related disasters like floods and drought.


Leaders have been asked to overhaul the international financial system so that developing countries may raise funds more easily.

A road map could call on the private sector to play a larger role.

"There was a broad sense that public funds are critical but will not be enough," according to the conference summary.


There is also discussion over how to compensate countries that have already been affected by climatic disasters, referred to as "loss and damage" in UN language.

Raising funds for a loss-and-damage fund by charges on international shipping or aviation is one idea.

Germany informed the conference that a pledge made in 2009 to set up $100 billion in yearly climate funding for developing nations could now be realised.


Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and Cop28 president-elect, praised Germany's hope.

"We need to fulfil the $100 billion pledge from donor countries, and I was very happy, pleased, and encouraged by Minister Baerbock's statement yesterday that progress is indeed being made," he said on Wednesday.

In the run-up to Cop28, which begins on November 30 in Dubai, discussions on a road map are expected to continue at G7 and G20 summits, the UN General Assembly, and other gatherings.


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firash zaid
1 year ago

The effects of climate change are already evident, and global greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced rapidly to ensure a living planet and sustainable life for future generations.

1 year ago

As we can see higher officials doing their best to lessen the effect of this climate change, and other countries are doing their best to cooperate in taking the said action.

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