Climate Crisis: Heatwaves Hit United States and Europe, Flooding Ravages Asia


Asia experiences heavy rainfall and flooding. Heatwaves scorch the United States. Europe faces record-breaking high temperatures.

The planet is experiencing temperature extremes; while some countries are experiencing intense heat, others are drowning in floods. Climate change and its consequences are not surprising to humanity; nonetheless, these catastrophic conditions may herald the end of civilization. 


Asia is experiencing torrential rainfall and flooding

Following blistering heat, monsoon rains have reportedly killed at least 90 people in northern India. Major flooding and landslides are normal during India's monsoon season, but climate change experts fear they are becoming more frequent and severe.

On Sunday, a man was killed when torrential rains lashed northern Japan, a week after seven people were killed in similar conditions in the country's southwest.


Rescuers in South Korea fought on Sunday to reach individuals trapped in a flooded tunnel after heavy rains for four days caused floods and landslides that killed at least 33 people and left ten missing.

China issued multiple temperature alerts on Sunday, warning that thermometers might reach 40-45 degrees Celsius in the partly desert area of Xinjiang, and 39 degrees Celsius in the southern Guangxi region.


Heatwaves in the United States

On Sunday, severe heat waves were observed in regions of the United States. On Sunday, the temperature in California's Death Valley, one of the hottest areas on the planet, is expected to reach 54 degrees Celsius.

Further north, the Canadian government announced that wildfires have burned a record-breaking 10 million hectares this year, with additional devastation likely as the summer progresses.


High Temperatures and Heatwaves in Europe

In Europe, the health ministry has issued a red alert for 16 cities, including Rome, Bologna, and Florence, due to weekend forecasts of historic highs.

The thermometer in Rome is expected to reach 40 degrees Celsius on Monday and 43 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, breaking the previous record of 40.5 degrees Celsius established in August 2007.


High heat and associated dryness are threatening the farming economy in France, earning Agriculture Minister Marc Fesneau criticism from climatologists for dismissing conditions as "normal enough for summer."


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1 year ago

Different places are experiencing different types of calamities due to the severe effect of climate change.

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