COP28 Update: Pause Day & Future Expectations


Illustration of COP28 conference logo with text describing key developments.

COP28, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, has taken a pause day, but there is still much more to come in the following days. The conference kicked off with a historic agreement on loss and damage, generating optimism worldwide for potential breakthroughs at Dubai's Expo City. Here's a summary of the key developments so far and what to anticipate when the summit resumes:


Major Announcements and Financial Commitments:

The initial days witnessed eleven pledges and declarations on crucial areas like food, peace, recovery, renewable energy, efficiency, methane reduction, and decarbonizing heavy-emitting industries.

Noteworthy among these was the food declaration, signed by over 100 countries, aiming to prioritize climate action in agriculture.

Climate finance has been a focal point, with over $80 billion mobilized so far, including funds dedicated to loss and damage.


Emphasis on Science and Addressing Skepticism:

COP28 President, Dr Sultan Al Jaber, reiterated the commitment to respect the science and the urgency of climate action.

The presidency's primary objective remains keeping the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5ºC within reach.

The UAE, represented by Minister of Climate Change and the Environment, Mariam Al Mheiri, is actively countering skepticism while reshaping international perceptions.


Intensive Climate Talks:

Negotiators are extensively working on the global stocktake, assessing progress towards the Paris Agreement's objective of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

While progress has been made in several areas, negotiations on the future of fossil fuels remain challenging.

Phasing down and phasing out fossil fuels are being discussed, but some countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia have historically opposed such language.

Carbon capture technologies and the concept of unabated fossil fuel use are also subjects of debate.


Summit Progress:

The conference has been a mix of hope and frustration, with achievements like the loss and damage agreement and renewable energy scaling up, but limited progress in other crucial areas.

In the second week, the presidency will play a more active role in guiding the talks towards a successful outcome.


Expected Final Decision:

COP conferences often end with a cover decision, summarizing the achievements. This year, the focus is on the stocktake text, evaluating progress and setting important messages for the world.

It is likely that the stocktake decision will be the primary outcome, but the possibility of a separate cover decision or political declaration remains uncertain.


Potential Extension:

While COP28 is scheduled to conclude on December 12, past conferences have frequently exceeded their deadlines.

Whether this trend continues will become clearer in the coming days, as next week is anticipated to be challenging but crucial.


Despite the complexities, there is still much at stake and numerous opportunities for progress at COP28.



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10 months ago

You can never achieve what you want to achieve if there is always skepticism along the way. Working hand in hand is the best solution, not in opposition to every action in which we must partake.

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