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An Overview On Medicinal Benefits Of Raw Honey
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An Overview On Medicinal Benefits Of Raw Honey

  • Reading Time: 2 minutes, 43 seconds
  • Post Views: 1327
Honey is not just a sweet golden color liquid that is majorly used as a kitchen ingredient. It is also medicine and can cure some serious health conditions. The anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and nutritional value of honey is the reason behind it. From healing wounds to curing eczema, honey has shown its effectiveness in various illnesses and ailments. However, only raw honey is found effective as pasteurized honey lacks useful nutrients. On the other hand, real or raw honey contains carbohydrates, fatty acids, enzymes, amino acids, and more that make it beneficial for medicinal uses. Nutritional Profile of Honey  Honey is loaded with ample nutrients such as magnesium, iron, protein, fiber, and more. The United States Department of Agriculture has prepared a database to identify the percentage of these nutrients in honey. According to its database, eating one tablespoon (21 g) of honey a day provides you following nutrients: Carbohydrates- 17 g Sugar- 17g Calories- 64 Fat- 0 Protein- 0.1g Iron- 0.1 mg Dietary fiber-0 Magnesium- 0.4 mg Potassium- 10.9 mg Apart from these nutrients, honey also contains antioxidants, maltose, sucrose, sodium chloride, phosphate, calcium, and more. Vitamins such as pantothenic, ascorbic, riboflavin, and many more are present in the honey. All these make honey useful for the following medicinal purposes. Medicinal Uses of Raw Honey Diarrhea Diarrhea is a gastrointestinal issue that results in loose and watery stools. Usually, it is cured within two-three days if the condition is not severe. But those with bacterial infection, fever, and intestinal disease can experience chronic diarrhea. Several types of research have shown that honey improves the potassium and water level in those having diarrhea. This results in the reduction of duration and severity of this disease. Treat Cold And Cough Honey is an old wife\'s tale to cure a cold and cough. Even WHO has recommended the use of honey during cough, especially against night-time coughing. Furthermore, those with respiratory infection can use honey for sleep-inducing benefits. However, experts guide not to give honey to kids below 1 year. Prevent Acid Reflux  Acid reflux or heartburn is a common health condition when the acid stored in the stomach reaches the food pipe. This backward flow of stomach acid causes a burning sensation in the heart. It happens due to the consumption of certain foods that are high in acid content. Honey can treat acid reflux as it reduces inflammation and pushes back the acid stuck in the food pipe. It also prevents damage to the digestive tract by the free radicals in the body. Anemia Lack of iron causes anemia, which reduces the oxygen-carrying ability of the body. This severely impacts the functioning of the brain and heart. Honey contains a good amount of iron and other nutrients. Daily intake of it can increase the iron level by 20 percent as per the research. As a result, a sufficient amount of hemoglobin is produced in the body, reducing the risk of anemia. Asthma Blockage of airways in the lungs causes asthma symptoms like tightening of the chest, cough, and more. It is a serious health issue that can be easily triggered by smoke, dust mites, air pollutants, and more. Some foods can also trigger asthma however; honey is one of those foods which help deal with asthma symptoms. Taking 2 teaspoons a day would be enough as per the researchers. It lubricates the airways making way for oxygen and break up the mucus build-up in the membranes. However, it is advised to take honey along with hot water instead of eating raw honey. High Blood Pressure Scientists in their findings on human studies have found that antioxidants in honey lower blood pressure. Furthermore, it lowers the triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels in the body, which improves the heart\'s health. Besides these, raw honey has been used in Ayurveda for hiccups, dysentery, insomnia, stress, arthritis, dermatitis, and jaundice. However, not all kind of honey is considered best for the treatment of these health issues. Consult a doctor before consumption and beware of fake honey as they have no medicinal properties.Geohoney is made naturally, thus keeping the important medicinal properties of honey intact.

Comments (1)
Salah January 21, 2021

I have used honey for making my breakfast.

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