Feeding Honey
It is necessary to feed bees during the rainy
and dry seasons, as well as in the early stages of a young colony. Usually, there are 2 rainy seasons in the forest and transitional forest regions: heavy
rains in June and July, and moderate rain in September to November. It is this
period that beekeepers describe as a time of famine in their apiaries coz there
is no sun, and the atmosphere is always misty, bleak and cloudy. Bees never go out.
The nectar in the fields gets much diluted so bees cannot recognize it. Pollen
is washed away, and flowers generally stop blooming. Bee food becomes scarce,
as honey and pollen stores in the hive are also depleted.
A strong colony may require 1.4 kg of honey
or syrup a day, and it is therefore important for the commercial honey producer
to sacrifice part of his reserves for the bees, or else to feed them on sugar
cane or syrup. The beekeeper must remember that the bees intended the honey
they produced for their own consumption during the rainy season, and if he has
taken it away, then he must provide something else to keep the colony alive and
strong. One must leave some honey for the bees during the honey harvest: at
least seven to ten combs containing honey and brood.
Natural Feeding
Many species of trees are good for bee
pasture. Many such trees not only provide nectar and pollen for bees but have
other uses for man. Where there are large plantations of some of these trees,
the beekeeper can take advantage of them by setting up his apiary near them. Sunflower
is one such flower which provides edible oil from the seed and rich nectar and
pollen, also attracts swarms of bees that the beekeeper can hive in the same
Water For Honey
An apiary sited near a regular fresh-water supply
can build up quickly during the honey-flow season which coincides with the
beginning of the dry season. Water is very important for honeybees. They use
large quantities to dilute brood food and to cool the hive by evaporation. The
need for water to prepare brood food is so necessary in the harmattan season
that bees have been known to harass villagers in the dry zones. Water dripping
gradually from a standing pipe is ideal for feeding the insect. Any water meant
for bees should contain straws or other floating material that the bees can use
as landing boards so that they will not drown.
Good records kept by the beekeeper will help
him to follow the general progress of his operation. Two records are
particularly important: the colony and operational records.
1. Colony Record
The beekeeper must study the geographical or
climatic conditions of his locality in association with his colony\'s progress since a recorded guide is rarely available. He should study the rainfall and
temperature pattern in relation to flowering and the movement of the bees. This
will keep him alert as to the swarming season, the best time to split colonies
to make them increase or to collect wild bees for hiving, the harvest period,
The beekeeper should keep individual colony
records, and always carry a pencil and a notebook. He should record when the
hive was colonized, whether the bees moved involuntarily or if a wild colony
was captured. He should weigh the individual hive when it is colonized, and
every month (or two weeks) check the weight again to find whether progress has
been made. Lifting the hive to feel the weight is enough. If the weight has
gone down, then action must be taken to bring it to the normal condition. He should record when the bees carry pollen into the hive,
observing them at different times and occasionally estimating the number of
bees bringing in pollen.
Crayons can be used to mark individual
records on the top cover of the hive, while general records are kept in a
2. Operational Record
It is very important to keep a notebook
recording information on visits to the apiary site, purchases, labor, transport
costs, servicing equipment and all other expenses, as well as income. The
material that will be required on the next visit should be listed and then
prepared. At the end of the year, the success or failure of the operation
should be assessed, and how best to reduce costs and maximize profits should be