Facts about Queen Bee
The term queen bee is
typically used to refer to an adult, mated female (gyne) that lives in a honey
bee colony or hive; she is usually the mother of most, if not all, of the bees
in the beehive. Queens are developed from larvae selected by worker bees and
specially fed to become sexually mature. There is normally only one adult,
mated queen in a hive, in which case the bees will usually follow and fiercely
protect her. The term \"queen bee\" can be more generally applied to
any dominant reproductive female in a colony of a eusocial bee species other
than honey bees. A single nest may have multiple queens or even dwarf queens,
ready to replace a dominant queen in case of a sudden death.
During the warm parts
of the years, female \"worker\" bees leave the hive every day to
collect nectar and pollen. While male bees serve zero architectural or
pollinating purposes, their primary function (if they are healthy enough) is to
mate with a queen bee. Any fertilized egg has the potential to become a queen
but through diet in the larval stage. Queens are fed only royal jelly, a
protein-rich secretion from glands on the heads of young workers. Worker larva
is fed bee bread which is a mixture of nectar and pollen. All bee larvae are
fed some royal jelly for the first few days after hatching but only queen larvae
are fed the jelly exclusively. As a result of the difference in diet, the queen
will develop into a sexually mature female, unlike the worker bees.
Queens are raised in
specially constructed queen cells. The fully constructed queen cells have a
peanut-like shape and texture. Queen cells start as queen cups, larger than the
cells of normal brood comb and are oriented vertically instead of horizontally.
Worker bees will only further build up the queen cup once the queen has laid an
egg in a queen cup. Swarm cells hang from the bottom of a frame while
supersedure queens or emergency queens are generally raised in cells built out
from the face of a frame.
As the young queen
larva pupates with her head down, the workers cap the queen cell with beeswax.
When ready to emerge, the virgin queen will chew a circular cut around the cap
of her cell. Often the cap swings open when most of the cut is made, to appear
like a hinged lid. During swarming season, the old queen is likely to leave
with the prime swarm before the first virgin queen emerges from a queen cell.
Virgin Queen Bee
A virgin queen is a
queen bee that has not mated with a drone. Virgins are intermediate in size
between workers and mated, laying queens, and are much more active than the
latter. They are hard to spot while inspecting a frame, because they run across
the comb, climbing over worker bees if necessary, and may even take flight if
sufficiently disturbed. Virgin queens can often be found clinging to the walls
or corners of a hive during inspections.
Virgin queens appear
to have little queen pheromone and often do not appear to be recognized as
queens by the workers. A virgin queen in her first few hours after emergence
can be placed into the entrance of any queen hive or nuc and acceptance are
usually very good, whereas a mated queen is usually recognized as a stranger
and runs a high risk of being killed by the older workers.
Reproduction Cycle
The surviving virgin
queen will fly out on a sunny, warm day to a \"drone congregation
area\" where she will mate with 12-15 drones. If the weather holds, she may
return to the drone congregation area for several days until she is fully
mated. Mating occurs in flight. The young queen stores up to 6 million sperm
from multiple drones in her sperm theca. She will selectively release sperm for
the remaining 2-7 years of her life.
As the queen ages, her
pheromone output diminishes. A queen bee that becomes old, or is diseased or
failing, is replaced by the workers in a procedure known as
Supersedure may be
forced by a beekeeper, for example by clipping off one of the queen\'s middle or
posterior legs. This makes her unable to properly place her eggs at the bottom
of the brood cell; the workers detect this and then rear replacement queens.
When a new queen becomes available, the workers kill the reigning queen by
\"balling\" her, clustering tightly around her. Death through balling
is accomplished by surrounding the queen bee and raising her body temperature,
causing her to overheat and die. Balling is often a problem for beekeepers
attempting to introduce a replacement queen.
If a queen suddenly
dies, the workers will attempt to create an \"emergency queen\" by
selecting several brood cells where a larva has just emerged which are then
flooded with royal jelly. The worker bees then build larger queen cells over
the normal-sized worker cells which protrude vertically from the face of the brood
Queen Rearing
Queen rearing is the
process by which beekeepers raise queen bees from young fertilized worker bee
larvae. The beekeeper grafts larvae, which are 24 hours or less of age, into a
bar of queen cell cups. The queen cell cups are placed inside of a
cell-building colony. A cell-building colony is a strong, well-fed, queenless
colony that feeds the larva royal jelly and develops the larvae into queen
After approximately 10
days, the queen cells are transferred from the cell building colony to small
mating nuclei colonies, which are placed inside of mating yards. The queen
cells hatch inside of the mating nuclei. After approximately 7-10 days, the
virgin queens take their mating flights, mate with 10-20 drone bees, and return
to their mating nuclei as mated queen bees.
Queen rearing can be
practiced on a small scale by hobbyists or sideline beekeepers raising a small
number of queens for their use or can be practiced on a larger,
commercial-scale by companies that produce queen bees for sale to the public.
Daily Life
Although the name
might imply it, a queen bee does not directly control the hive. Her sole
function is to serve as the reproducer. A well-mated and well-fed queen of
quality stock can lay about 1,500 eggs per day during the spring build-up””more
than her body weight in eggs every day. She is continuously surrounded by
worker bees who meet her every need, giving her food and disposing of her
waste. The attendant workers also collect and then distribute queen mandibular
pheromone, a pheromone that inhibits the workers from starting queen cells. The
queen bee can control the sex of the eggs she lays. The queen lays a fertilized
(female) or unfertilized (male) egg according to the width of the cell. Drones
are raised in cells that are significantly larger than the cells used for
workers. The queen fertilizes the egg by selectively releasing sperm from her
spermatheca as the egg passes through her oviduct.
What do Queen Cells
There are special
larger cells for the developing queen. But its build for different reasons;
upon finding queen cells inside a beehive, the beekeeper can be sure of one
thing. The bees are trying to tell a story about something happening inside the
hive. The 3 types of honey bee queen cells are Swarm cells, Supersedure Cells,
and Emergency Cells. Each kind of queen cell is constructed for a different
reason. A wise beekeeper learns to discern the difference between them.
How Honey Bees Make a
New Queen Bee?
A honey bee colony has
a miraculous capacity to produce a new queen bee when one is needed. Any hive
with ample food, worker bees, and freshly fertilized eggs has the material
needed to make a queen. This is the beginning of the queen bee life cycle. When
a queen is needed, nurse bees select a very young female larva (generally less
than 2 days old). These larvae are fed a special diet to allow the larva to
develop into a sexually reproductive female: the queen bee. The time for a
queen bee to develop from egg to adult is 16 days on average.
What do Queen Cells
Look Like?
Because the queen bee
is larger (longer) than workers, cells have to be bigger. She cannot develop in
a normal, small worker cell. It is common for the bees to produce more than 1
queen larva. These specially designed “queen cells” resemble peanuts on the
frame of the comb. Each “type” of queen cell looks the same and serves the same
purpose - producing a new queen. Drone cells are sometimes confused for queen
cells by new beekeepers. But queen cells are much larger and hang down from the
Where is Queen Cells
The number of queen
cells present and their location tell the story of the hive’s status. They can
be present anywhere in the brood nest area. Some cells are found primarily on
the bottom of frames and others will be on the face of the comb.
Swarm Cells
A strong honey bee
colony is likely to produce swarm cells in the Spring. It can happen at any
time during the warm season. Swarming is a natural occurrence for honey bees.
It is a reproduction on the colony level. When colony swarms, a queen and about
half the population of bees leave. They will travel to a new location that has
been selected by scout bees. Here, a new hive will be established. Before the
swarm leaves, numerous queen cells are constructed. These are called swarm
cells because their construction is part of swarm preparations. Once the
developing queen larva is mature and ready to emerge, the swarm leaves. In the
next day or so, a new queen will emerge from one of the cells. She kills the
other queens still trapped inside and becomes the leader of the colony. Swarm
cells are most commonly seen along the bottom of frames. A colony can swarm
with only a few queen cells but that is not the norm. This is the type of queen
cell that requires fast attention. If you see, a bunch of queen cells on the
bottoms of frames in a strong colony, take action. This colony should be split
into 2 hives or other methods employed to stop the swarm impulse.
Supersedure Cells
Another type of queen
cell is called a supersedure cell. These queen cells are produced when the
colony needs to replace their current queen. When a queen bee shows declining
egg-laying, the colony will make plans to replace her. This may seem cruel but
a honey bee colony must have a continual supply of new workers during the warm
season. These bees only live about 6 weeks during summer. Maintaining a strong
workforce is the colony’s only chance of survival. Supersedure cells can be
anywhere in the brood nest area. But, you will most often find them on the face
of the comb - not the bottom.
Emergency Cells
Emergency queen cells,
however, are different. They are exactly that - an emergency. Sometimes, a
queen is lost suddenly. Perhaps, she dies from disease or is killed. Or maybe a
beekeeper accidentally squeezes her between frames. When the queen is lost
suddenly, emergency cells are constructed anywhere young larva are available.
The construction of one queen cell means a lack of suitable age larva. Also,
the colony may have to choose larva that is older than 2 days. The danger is
that less desirable larva may not produce the best queens.
Queen Cups are Not
Queen Cells - Yet
Many colonies keep a
few “queen cups” constructed on the comb. These small acorn-sized cells are
prepared in advance of actual queen cell construction. Their presence is no
reason for concern until an egg or larva is present. Once that happens, the
worker bees are serious about producing queens. The beekeeper must either let
nature take its course or intervene. If you allow the colony to do what nature
intends, just be sure to recheck later to ensure successful requeening.
The Queen Bee - Is She
Really in Charge?
We know that honey
bees live together in a colony and share the workload. The honey bee colony
over-winters as a family inside their beehive. Honey bees make honey from
collected plant nectar. They also collect pollen and store it for winter. Yet,
the bee colony still has some secrets.
What Does a Queen Bee
Look Like?
A queen honey bee has
a long abdomen because of her role as mother of the colony. Her ovaries will
produce a lifetime’s quantity of eggs. The length also allows her to cement an
egg into the bottom of a honeycomb cell. To manage a honey bee colony
successfully, a beekeeper will often need to locate her drones. This is
especially difficult on a frame with hundreds of bees moving around. Drones are
wider and noticeably different than regular workers, but they cannot compare in
length to a mature queen bee. The number of drones present vary during the warm
season. But, all drones and no workers is a sign of problems with your queen.
Looking for a Virgin
Queen Bee
It is very easy to
overlook a young virgin queen in a crowded colony. A new queen can look very
similar in size to some of the workers. As she matures and progresses into her
egg-laying role, she will plump up as beekeepers should be alarmed if she
remains small. Another situation involving queen size is the time of swarming.
Worker bees feed the queen honey bee. When the colony is preparing to swarm,
the queen is fed less than normal.
Is the Queen Bee
Genetically Different?
The queen bee will
have different genetic material than another and different characteristics too.
One may produce offspring that are good honey producers. This is why beekeepers
will requeen a hive that has undesirable traits. However, the queen honey bee
develops from a fertilized egg. Any fertilized egg laid by a queen has the
potential to become a queen bee. The queen bee is not the only female in the
hive. She has thousands of sisters and then daughters to keep her company.
How Long Does It take
for a Queen Bee to be born?
Honey bees are insects
that develop through several stages. The four stages are egg, larva, pupa, and
adult. It only takes 16 days for the most vital bee in the hive to reach
How Long Does a Queen
Bee Live?
While the queen bee is
capable of living several years, this rarely happens. Two years is most common
and some queen bees only last 1 season. Once the aging queen declines in egg
production or pheromone levels, the colony will replace her.
What Does the Queen
Bee Do?
Inside the colony,
workers feed the queen. She does not even groom or clean herself. She relies on
her “retinue” of workers for her every need.
The Queen Decides
Where to Lay Eggs Right?
Yes, the queen bee
moves across the honeycomb surface checking empty cells. She measures them with
her antenna and front legs. This is to determine whether it is a worker-sized
cell or a drone-sized cell. An unfertilized egg is laid in a drone-sized cell -
those in the worker cell are fertilized inside the queen’s body. But, the queen
bee will not lay in a cell that the worker bees have not cleaned and polished.
If the colony needs drones, the workers prepare drone-sized cells.
Do Queen Bees Have
Yes, they do have
stingers. But, queen bees are not aggressive -no participation in defending
How is the Queen Bee
When a colony needs a
new queen, they will raise several young queens at the same time. The first
virgin queen to emerge from her cell decides who is chosen as queen. She
searches out the other queen cells to destroy them. If more than one virgin
queen emerges at the same time, a true queen bee fight will ensue. The queen
bee’s function in the hive is highly specialized. Her stinger is not barbed, it
is smooth. She uses her stinger to kill rival virgin queens.
Queen Bee Mate Outside
the Hive?
Queen honeybees do not
mate inside the hive. She takes flight on a warm, sunny afternoon after
emerging from her queen cell to mate of course! By mating well away from her
colony, she is more likely to mate with unrelated drones and promote genetic
Do Queens Leave the
Queen bees just don’t
get out a lot. Workers take care of her every need. The queen\'s waste after
consuming is Royal jelly is cleaned by her daughters. There are only 2
occasions for the queen bee to leave the hive
Virgin queen leaves the hive to mate
Queen leaves with a swarm
How to Spot the Queen
Chances are that you
will never see a queen honey bee unless you are a beekeeper. The vast majority
of her life is spent inside the beehive. For new beekeepers, knowing how to
find the queen takes time. And, you won’t always be able to locate her. I also
like to mark my queens, this makes finding and replacing a queen easier.
What is the Queen Bee
A colony without a
productive queen is a colony in trouble. The bees will know it because of the
lack of queen pheromones and fewer eggs being laid. The workers may attempt to
make a new queen for the hive. If the beekeeper sees queen cells being
constructed in a colony that is not crowded, queen problems must be considered.
By contrast, a bee colony with a healthy productive queen will have a brood of
all stages and a general sense of well-being.
Good to read about queen honey.