Details of Honey Bee Trap
If you want to start
beekeeping, you first need to get the bees. This can be done in two ways.
First, you can simply buy bees moreover packages of bees can be purchased in
any special bees shop or many other similar establishments. You can purchase
them from the private owners, but in the spring few are willing to give away
healthy overwintered family.
The second way is to
catch flown away swarm with a bee trap. You can catch the swarms, which
departed from the apiary or hibernated in the woods or in the mountains.
Swarming bees often fly away from the apiary.
Traps for bees - is the
solution for catching bees. Some people say that traps in the forest are better
than traps in the open areas.
The main characteristics
of a good trap:
Light and small
Easy to use
Safely adhered to the trunk
Pocket-friendly to make
Drawing of the trap for
Here we present a simple
drawing of trap for bees:
Sizes of traps for bees
The trap can be in the
form of a box, round, etc. The form of the trap does not matter. Trap in the
form of a box is the most versatile. It is easier and cheaper to make.
How to make a trap for
You can do frames from
the rails 20 x 20 mm (1*1”). Sheathing can be made from plywood or
two-fiberboard. You can do cover together with sides, and then you put it on
the case, and secure with two pins, setting them on opposite sides of the trap.
To prevent loss, pins are
tied to the cover. This scheme is time-tested. Carrying handle is usually
attached at the top. Also, this handle may serve as a handle to hang the trap
on the tree.
Depending on the size of
the hive you can choose the size of a trap.
Internal dimensions of
the trap for bees (swarms):
Depth - 470 mm (18.5”)
(length of a standard frame)
5 frames - 190 mm (7.5”)
6 frames - 230 mm (9”)
7 frames - 265 mm (10.4”)
8 frames - 300 mm (11.8”)
9 frames - 340 mm (13.4”)
10 frames - 380 mm (15”)
The structure of the trap
for bees
At the bottom of each
trap, you should cut the notch, which is easily closed by the valve. The box
must be varnished (preferably twice) to avoid the various processes that occur
with wood.
Cells should be dark and
empty but not dry. You do not need to put honey. Honey does not attract bees,
but can attract other insects. In general, the trap should be a small hive,
attracting bees.
Inside the trap you
should put at least a few frames with the old honeycombs - it will attract bees
and the beekeeper will facilitate the further process of moving the swarm. Also
you can put inside or grate walls with citrus peel, mint or lemon
balm. Some beekeepers spray traps and nearby bushes with sugar syrup
to attract bees.
Setting the trap for bees
The best time to set
traps - mid-May - the end of June. Thick trees are more preferable. It is
better to choose the edge of forests. Traps should be in the shade. When
choosing a tree, choose the strong one. When you set it, you will need a rope
with length of about 10 m. The trap is tied to a rope, and you climb a tree.
Bind it to the branch at a height of 5-6 meters. Make space in front of a
The best trap for bees
All of the prep work is
done. It is enough to check the trap 1-2 times a week. In the evening after the
sunset take the trap, trying to make it as late as possible.
Before placing a trap on
the ground, close the lower notch. Next, gently bring the trap to the apiary
and put it in a dark, cool place. Open the notch. Move caught bees in the hive
early morning. Prepare a hive in advance. It should have a couple of frames
with honeycombs.