Favorable Living Condition For Honey Bee
The amount of annual rainfall and
the temperature of an area exerts a great influence on the life and work output
of the honeybee, renown as \"summer bird\", for it performs most
energetically at relatively high temperatures, up to 35°C. However its activity
slows when the temperature drops below 20°C, and bees will not move at all
below 8°C.
At low temperatures, bees remain
indoors and cluster to generate heat to keep themselves warm. To fan themselves
or to cluster, they need fuel to burn; honey fuel allows them to perform these
functions. The same phenomenon occurs during rainfall or the rainy season. If
bees are confined because of unfavorable weather, an average colony may
consume as much as 1.4 kg of honey in a day. Should this continue, whole stores
of honey may be completely depleted and the colony will face famine.
On the other hand, temperatures
above 37°C are equally unfavorable for the honeybee, combs begin to melt and
most of the bees in the hive will move out and fan themselves and the brood
nest frantically. At such temperatures, bees will spend all their time fetching
water to cool the hive and nectar collection will cease completely.
In the dense forest regions of
Africa, the annual rainfall may range from 1 500 to as much as 10 000 mm, and
the peak rainy season occurs from mid-June through July. It is at this period
that most bee colonies swarm, and they, therefore, have to solve their
accommodation problems promptly: if suitable hollows are not available, the
swarm will hang in the open and drown.
A young virgin queen leading a
secondary swarm must make her mating flight. A temperature of about 21°C is
required for the drone to leave the hive, while the queen bee flies out at
about 24°C. If the rain continues for a long time and low temperatures persist,
the queen\'s nuptial flight will be delayed. After a week, the workers will
become angry and may kill her or, if she is allowed to live, she will begin to
lay unfertilized eggs. Once she starts egg-laying, the nuptial flight cannot
take place and that will spell the doom of the entire colony.
Some other problems persisting
with a honeybee in the dense equatorial forest are:
Some trees are so tall that
worker bees will not visit them for any reason.
Tall trees in the equatorial forest have few or no flowers so that nectar
and pollen is scarce.
The sun\'s rays cannot reach the forest floor, the thick undergrowth prevents
the free flow of air and the temperatures are too low to induce worker bees to
fly out to procure the commodities essential for the colony.
High humidity levels promote serious fungal diseases in the insect.
High moisture content in the nectar prevents honey from curing well.
Ants, reptiles, birds and other hive predators are present in the forest in
large numbers.
It should be noted that the
absence of honeybee, from the forest inadequate numbers hampers adequate
pollination and this affects crop yields. This also clarifies why some fruit
crops (e.g. mango and orange) cannot perform well in dense forests; even though
the plants grow taller and larger, they always bear less fruit than expected.
The savannah and semi-arid
regions occupy over 50% of Africa\'s total area, supporting large-scale
commercial beekeeping, because of the climatic conditions in favor of honeybee. Every
shrub and tree found in the region produces flowers. Grasses are
wind-pollinated, but it is common to find bees visiting some of them, including
guinea corn, millet and maize. These regions have few beekeeping problems;
inadequate surface water and dry wind.
The density of human population
suggests the degree to which an area is geographically favorable for man and
animals, and also for bees. Most arid and desert areas of Africa are fertile
lands which only require water in the form of either rainfall or irrigation.
In Egypt, the presence of the Nile
River for irrigation supports high-density human settlement in parts. The
irrigated areas have several tree crops and enough water to support abundant
bee life. The days are bright and warm. There is little or no rainfall to
disturb flight activities. There are abundant drought-resistant plants which
when in bloom provide nectar and pollen to support strong bee colonies.
of Human Activities
The worst enemy of a honeybee is
man, all because of his attempt to improve living conditions &causing,
great damage to nature. Trees that support bee life are hacked down, and houses
are built on fertile soils that would support crops. Results in falling of bee
population, as their places for food and shelter, are being destroyed through
road builders, building constructors and farmers.
The farmer has cleared all the
bush covering the soil along the banks of the rivers which provide him with
water, thus exposing the water to direct sunlight and increasing the rate of
evaporation, soil erosion, and water-tables getting dropped seriously.
Beekeepers should set their own,
much higher, targets, planting quick-maturing bee-forage trees (eucalyptus is
perhaps the best) to cover once again the banks of streams and rivers and all
other areas known to have water-tables. They should also plant fruit crops that
could yield fruit, honey, and beeswax for man. Many apiaries could be sited in
such man-made forests. If bees would find their food and water naturally, while a man would gain several immediate advantages and lay a sound foundation for future generations.
The Honey-Hunter
Honey-hunters using barbaric methods to deliberately
kill many of them, but as they cut down trees to take the colonies\' combs, they
destroy the tree hollows that are the bees\' natural home. The colonies are thus
forced to hang outdoors, exposed to all their natural enemies.
For all these reasons, the activities of the
traditional honey-tapper should be very strictly controlled. Governments
should not only regulate honey-hunting and enforce the regulations once made,
but should also make serious efforts to instruct honey-tappers in the newer,
more efficient ways of honey-hunting, as well as to encourage them to keep bees
One of the greatest problems in the savannah
and the transitional forest zones is bush-burning during the dry season
(generally from November to Hay). The reasons for bush-burning is clearing land
for farming and make hunting easy. The honeybee population suffers greatly from
such fires\' that consumes an area of 250 square kilometers, with only one
colony for every 10 hectares, about 125 million bees could be destroyed.
The beekeeper must guard his hives against
bush fires by making a fire belt around the apiary and visit it as frequently
as possible, removing any fallen wood or leaves which could spread a fire on
the site.
When water is scarce during the dry season,
the honeybee requires to travel to fetch a head-load of water for domestic
purposes. If she cannot find water in the streams, then that bucketful of water
which the villager has collected must be snatched away. Sometimes honey bees
harassvillage women pounding grain. In extreme cases, they try to suck human
sweat, and this results in a scuffle.
This is primitive reason, villagers hunt the
bees and burn them to live peacefully in area. However bees must be watered just
like birds in a poultry farm. It’s surest way to prevent bee-burning is to
provide a regular water supply for bees as well as for human consumption in the
dry season to prevent bee attacks from causing loss of life or other serious
The Palm-vine Tapper
The palm tree produces a sweet, refreshing
liquid which is drunk by man in many tropical countries. The honeybee also
refreshes herself with this type of wine from the pot of the wine-tapper and
become tipsy. In extreme cases, the whole pot of wine is consumed, and many
bees drown. The wine-tapper, furious at the sight of the countless bees lying
in the wine pot, collects all the bees and throws them away or kills them. However,
if he assumes that the motionless, tipsy bees are dead, he does them no further
Poisoning Bees
As the honeybee visits plants during her
search for nectar or pollen, she flies from one plant and flower to another.
Sometimes they unknowingly lands on a poisonous plant or contacts a poisonous
pesticide which the farmer has sprayed to protect his crops. Further these
pollen collectors carry this poisoned pollen into the hive and store it for
future use by the bee brood. As long as the poisonous pollen remains in the
cells, it poses a dangerous threat. It may kill both adults and brood, either
by contact or by ingestion. This intensive hazard of pesticide poisoning
sometimes overshadows all other problems, for example when an entire orchard is
sprayed by aircraft.
The greatest natural enemies of the honeybee
are ants: driver, tailor, black, red, brown, large or small, all are dangerous
to the hive. They eat sweets such as nectar, honey, sugar, and the bee\'s body.
They like to live in hollows like the bee, and the same empty beehive produced
by man for bees can also be a good home for them.
Therefore all four wires or the legs of the
hive should be protected by insect repellents. The part of the suspension wire
nearest to the branch on which the wire hangs should be coated with thick grease or dirty engine oil as spreading wood ash or charcoal ash around the stand will
also, keep ants away.
The wax moth is the bee\'s second-worst enemy.
There are two types: greater and lesser wax moths. They attack colonies during
the warm periods of the year. The female moth, which is slightly smaller than
the honeybee, enters the hive freely and lays her eggs in the combs. The eggs
hatch in three days and the emerged larvae begin to eat the wax, tunneling
through and destroying the comb cells, and spinning web-like cocoons about
themselves for protection against the bees. When the wax-moth reaches its pupa
stage, it digs hollows in wood for its cocoon and by doing so damages or
destroys the inner surface of the hive and the top-bars.
When colonies swarm, most of the bees leave the hive and the few which remain may not be able to cover all the combs. Unguarded combs should be removed, stored and replaced later as the colony increases in size.
The entrance of a weak colony should be
reduced to enable the few \"security officers\" to guard it effectively.
Other holes that can serve as entrances to the hive will surely be used not
only by the moth but by other hive predators as well. Such entrances should be
sealed off as soon as they are discovered.
Lizards, reptiles measuring about 25 cm from
head to tail stays very close to the hive or accommodates itself comfortably
between the lid and the hive body to feed indefinitely on the bees.Even lizards
not living near the hive will feed on the bees once they can locate the apiary.
Although they prefer dead bees, they will eat live ones as well. A serious
lizard problem may lead to absconding. Beehives are installed on a platform,
with metal cones nailed on the legs about 70 cm above the ground, to prevent
lizards from reaching the hives.
Toads use the same methods as lizards and
will remain in the apiary if they can get bees to eat. The toad generally
consumes only weak and dead bees, but if it can reach the hive, it will eat
live bees as well. The toad does not pose as many problems as the lizard
because it cannot climb. The best means of protecting hives against toads is , therefore, to install them at least 60 cm above the ground.
Some snakes are known to eat bees. They do
not cause much damage to the colony, but the beekeeper should always be careful
to avoid being bitten by a poisonous snake near the hive.
This large moth is well known for entering
hives between June and November. It makes a special sound that paralyzes the
bees, and they may refrain from attacking it. Also, these moths may then be able
to load its stomach with honey.
Since the wing-span of the moth is as wide as
12 cm, Atropos cannot enter any hole which is only 8 mm in diameter.
The use of hives with slot-like entrances should be avoided if the area is
infested with this insect.
The Bee
A wasp-like insect with orange and black skin
is sometimes found molesting the field bees entering and leaving the hive. This
insect is usually active between October and May. There is nothing the
beekeeper can do to stop it, but it cannot cause any great harm to a colony of
The Spider
The spider constructs webs around in the
apiary or in an empty hive. Once the web catches bees, the spider will eat
All webs found in or near the apiary should
be destroyed. The hive should be cleaned and all webs found within it removed.
Otherwise, the scout bees will be caught and eaten, and no swarm will ever take
possession of the empty hive.
The Alpine
This bird is well known for eating bees. The
birds arrive in December and stay on for several weeks, usually causing
considerable losses.
Bee Friends
Creatures found in or near the hive which
constitute no danger to honeybees are the little green lizard, wall gecko, some
small frogs, and the cockroach. They are usually called bee friends. They
eat some insects which encroach upon the hive such as the wax moth, the house
fly, the blue-bottle fly, and the mosquito. However, there is some doubt whether
the cockroach is really a good friend to the honeybee.
Bee Diseases
Like all other living creatures,
the honeybee suffers from diseases. In many parts of the world, research is
underway for means of combating or preventing them, but the African bee
industry is in its infant stage and not much research has been carried out on
bee diseases in Africa. It is believed that some of the diseases found in temperate
and sub-tropical regions of other parts of the world may be present on the
The life cycle of the honeybee
starts with an egg, which hatches in three days. It then passes through larval
and pupa stages before emerging as an image or a young bee. During the brood
stage, the insect may be attacked by bacterial, viral or fungal diseases.
Good brood comb cells are usually
compactly filled by the fifth and sixth days before sealing takes place. An
irregular brood comb may signal brood disease. Care must be taken, however,
because an irregularity may also be the result of brood emerging. A healthy
larva coils like a \"comma\" in the cell and is fleshy, glistening,
juicy white in appearance. It does not move from place to place in the cell. It
does not look brown, black or assume any other color except white. The larva
should not be misshapen or found dead. Pupae must remain capped; the seal
should not be punctured or sunken.
Any of these irregularities
suggests that something has gone wrong, and this may be caused by a disease.
Some diseases are serious and can wipe out an entire colony; they can gradually
spread into other colonies and destroy a whole apiary. Some are seasonal and
mild and cause only a small loss of the total population.
The brood diseases the beekeeper
must watch for are American foulbrood (AFB), European foulbrood (EFB), stone
brood, chalkbrood, and sacbrood.
Foulbrood (APB)
AFB causes heavy losses to the
colony\'s population. It can wipe out not only a single colony but all the
colonies in an apiary, and it can easily spread quickly from one apiary to
another. It is not seasonal and may occur at any time.
The disease is caused
by Bacillus larvae. The bacteria form strong resistant spores. The
organisms attack the larva, which dies after it has been capped. The dead
insect becomes brown and finally dries up into a hard scale which is difficult
to remove from the cell.
The brood combs of an affected
colony become patchy in appearance, owing to the presence of the dead larvae.
The decomposed brood has an unpleasant smell. When a match-stick is thrust into
the cell of the decomposed pupa, it draws out a ropy thread several centimeters
in length.
Foulbrood (EPB)
The bacterium Melissococcus
pluton is believed to be the primary causative agent, but the larva\'s
death is also accelerated by the presence of Bacterium Eurydice and
others. The young larva is infected by taking in food containing the bacteria,
which multiply in its gut; the larva dies on the fourth day and the worker
bees may leave the cell containing the dead larva uncapped.
A healthy bee larva remains
coiled in the cell, but not a larva infected by EFB. Shortly before death, the
infected larva moves about inside its cell. As a result, the dead larva is
found in an unnatural coiled position across the mouth of its cell, sometimes
twisted spirally around the walls or stretched lengthwise from the base to the
mouth. The dead larva is porridge-like in appearance as if it has been
decomposed. It is plump, fleshy appearance is completely loaf. It turns
yellowish-brown and eventually dries up into brown scales. Drugs as
streptomycin, penicillin, and Terramycin control the disease.
Stone-brood disease is caused by
a mold belonging to the genus Aspergillus. It attacks the brood and
transforms the larva into a hard, stone-like colored object which is found
lying in open cells. Adult bees may also be attacked and are also killed in the
The name \"chalkbrood\"
derives from the chalky appearance of the dead brood. This fungal disease,
caused by Ascophaeraapis, may cause serious problems to bee colonies in humid
areas. Spores of the fungus are ingested in the brood food. The spores
germinate in the gut, and the growth of the fungus causes the death of the
brood, which occurs in the pre-pupal stage.
This is a virus disease. Larvae
infected with sacbrood die in their sealed cells. They become light yellow in
color, with tough skins. The skin darkens and the outer layer becomes loose,
forming a \"sac\" which encloses a watery fluid. The brood lies
stretched out lengthwise in the sealed cell. After the death of the insect, the
cell is partly or fully opened, and the worker bees remove it from the hive.
The virus is spread in the nest
by the house bees evacuating the dead brood. The virus does not survive long,
and the disease may disappear during the honey-flow period. Serious outbreaks
are not common, and usually, no control action is necessary. If control is needed,
then the colony must be requeened.
Occasionally, a queen\'s eggs may
fail to hatch, the young larvae may be eaten by nurse bees, or the pupae will
die or fail to emerge. This may be caused by inbreeding, and the only way to
overcome the problem is to requeen the colony by inserting a capped queen cell,
but not an emerged queen.
Disease of Adult Bees
Nosema disease, among the most
serious of the bee diseases, is caused by a microscopic organism, a protozoan
called Nosemaapis, which is believed to exist in all parts of Africa. The
parasite passes its active reproductive life cycle within the digestive cell
lining in the mid-gut of the adult bee. After entering a cell, the parasite
multiplies quickly, competing with its host bee for its food supply until
reproduction stops after a few days, with the formation of a large number of
spores. The cell then ruptures and the spores enter the bee\'s digestive system,
finally passing out in the bee\'s droppings. The parasites then emerge from the
spores, pass through the lining of the mid-gut and start another phase of
intracellular growth and multiplication. The spores may remain viable for
several months, as long as they remain in the brood combs in the hive.
The affected bee cannot utilize her
protein reserves, and consequently, very little royal Jelly or brood food can be
produced. Therefore, only a small percentage of the potential brood can be
reared. The disease causes the young bee to grow prematurely and to forage
earlier than usual. Her life span is greatly reduced. The quantity of water in
her body increases; she becomes lethargic and may begin to soil the hive. She
later becomes a crawler and subsequently collapses.
The ovaries of the affected queen
bee soon degenerate. Her egg production decreases and finally stops
completely. Her life span is also reduced, and the result may be a queenless
colony or one in which the old queen is replaced by supersedure.
The only visible sign is that the
colony becomes weaker and weaker as the bees fail to build up when conditions
are favorable. Swollen abdomens should also be watched for.
The affected colony can also be
given fumigillin (Fumidil-B): 100 mg active ingredients in four liters of a 1:1
sugar solution. If the medication given cannot be obtained, the only option
left is to burn the colony to avoid spreading the disease to other hives or
even to other apiaries.
This so-called
\"disease\" is caused by a microscopic mite, Acarapiswoodii. The
mite enters the bee\'s breathing apparatus (the tracheal system), multiplies
there and interferes with the bee\'s respiration. The bee\'s flying ability is
greatly hampered; it begins to crawl, and finally dies. Since the acarine disease
can be transferred from one bee to another, it can be transported into another
colony by a robber or drifting bees. The mite is present in practically every
beekeeping country in the world.
Ways to Stop Spreading of Bee Diseases
The beekeeper and the honeybee
are the two main agents that spread diseases among bees and between colonies
and apiaries. The following points are worth noting when
there is an outbreak of disease:
The apiary must be kept clean.
Honeycombs, wax, propolis and other hive products must not be thrown away near
the apiary.
The beekeeper must not
transfer infected combs from hive to hive or from apiary to apiary. Combs must
be exchanged with great care.
Old hive parts, as well as
used apiary equipment bought or acquired from doubtful sources, must be
Unknown swarms should never be
accepted when there is an outbreak of a bee disease. The beekeeper should set
up a quarantine apiary four kilometers away from the nearest apiary, and make
sure the swarm is disease-free before transporting it to the apiary.
Bees should never be fed with
honey from a doubtful source.
If a colony dies of unknown
causes, the hive should be closed pending an examination of a sample comb. The
remaining stores in the hive should be protected from robber bees.
Robbing must be prevented.
Place syrup or food for a colony inside the hive or in a properly designed
feeder to prevent robbing.
Brood combs should be
regularly inspected for signs of disease.
Hives should be spaced reasonably
far apart. The beekeeper should try to arrange his hives so that it will be
easy for every bee in the apiary to find its way into its own colony. This will
help minimize drifting.
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