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Significance Of Honey Bee Garden
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Significance Of Honey Bee Garden

  • Reading Time: 2 minutes, 43 seconds
  • Post Views: 1327
Significance of Honey Bee Garden Garden and the bees are two concepts that are merged together from ancient time. It is no accident the people says “no garden without apiary and no fruit without bees”. No less true is another saying: “The garden without bees is like a house without windows”. Gardeners are often beekeepers, and beekeepers - almost always gardeners. It is the custom to put beehives in the fruit garden. It is understandable: the best place for bees is in the garden. Bees by the origin are inhabitants of the forest and feel better in the conditions close to nature - the trees and shrubs. Garden obscures hives in the heat, and bees suffer less from the heat than in the open. Trees overshadow the apiary from strong winds, and it is easier to keep the hive warm all year round, even in winter, if they are left to winter in the garden. And working in a calm is easier - to fly for nectar, to return home. An orchard is an excellent reference, by which the young bees without error, not wandering around with a heavy load, find the home apiary. And, perhaps most importantly, a garden for bees is a food source. When it’s time to bloom, they have a feast. From morning to night small bees fly in the gooseberry and currant bushes, the raspberry bushes, in the trees. Flowering garden is full of honey smell. Here is the house and table for bees. A monotonous hum of working bees gives the garden, wrapped in pink and white boiling, even greater solemnity and poetry. Bees pollinate plants, they provide an essential condition of formation of an abundant harvest. It is true that the results of their work can be seen closer to the fall, when the branches are heavy with berries and fruits. They say:”There is a bee in the garden - there will be apple on a branch”. And these fruits are juicy and fragrant and also smell like honey. On a table of a beekeeper there are always wonderful gifts of garden and honey - the highly nourishing, wholesome, fragrant, unique in taste product, useful to all - the baby and the elder. Even a small homestead apiary is quite capable of providing a family with honey and also you can feed the guests, and often it can give the surplus that can be sold. Finally, an apiary in the garden is your own home health resort. The air is filled with the aroma of flowers, the smell of honey, nectar, wax, propolis healing balms. Patients were always led to the apiary to cure. The soothing hum of the bees adjusts to peaceful harmony, distracts from anxiety and worry. It is good after work to stay in the apiary, to breathe its healthy air. And the care of the bees is useful as active rest, occupational therapy. It is no accident, according to the observations of physicians, beekeepers usually have enviable health, calm, considerate nature, live a long time However apiary may rejoice and be useful only if you know well the life of bees, their manners and customs, possess methods of caring for the bee family. Honey plants are not only beautiful but also useful. Bees do not respond to scent, but to color. Before approaching the hive, take a shower - the smell of sweat infuriates bees. As mentioned above, the bees do not respond to fragrant flowers, but skilful beekeepers use some plants as bait for the bees: Juniper Melissa, Fennel, Flowers of lime, Hyssop and Anise. Honey bees also fly to the fragrant flowers of lilac, rose and heliotrope. They have good vision, they well recognize the blue and yellow colors. They are blind to red, but not to the ultraviolet. With UV-filter bees can recognize the age of the plant and the availability of nectar.

Comments (1)
Lyka Hiba November 24, 2023

I have garden with some bees on it too. Sometimes I\'m scared that I might get sting but I actually they are very important with the growth of my plants.

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