Reducing Fossil Fuel Use by 2050: Cop28's 31-Word Proposal


Representatives discussing the 31-word draft proposal at the climate change talks in Dubai, reducing fossil fuel use by 2050.

The ongoing climate change talks in Dubai are focused on a 31-word draft sentence that proposes a way forward regarding the contentious issue of fossil fuels. The draft suggests reducing fossil fuel use, marking a significant global commitment. While the draft is seen as a "huge step forward" by the UAE's Cop28 Presidency, negotiations are expected to continue until the final hours of the summit. 


The draft emphasizes the need to reduce both consumption and production of fossil fuels in a just, orderly, and equitable manner to achieve net-zero emissions around 2050, aligning with scientific recommendations. However, some delegates argue that the proposal falls short and advocate for stronger commitments, including a phase-out of fossil fuels. 


The wording of the draft aims to strike a compromise between different perspectives, acknowledging the need for a managed transition and addressing concerns of developing countries. The focus remains on achieving net-zero emissions while considering the social, economic, and equity aspects of the transition. The draft's emphasis on following the science is viewed positively by those advocating for ambitious climate action.


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10 months ago

This is to reduce deaths and illnesses from air pollution.

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