5 Proven Benefits of Having a Himalayan Salt Lamp at Home


5 Proven Benefits of Having a Himalayan Salt Lamp at Home

Himalayan salt lamps are much more than an exotic home décor item that you can place in your bedroom or living room to give it an elegant vibe. These lamps are also believed to have several positive effects on your physical and mental well-being.

These decorative lights are made up of hollowed-out crystals of pink Himalayan salt which comes from the Himalayan mountain range in Asia.  This salt is rich in minerals like sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium which gives it several antibacterial and antimicrobial features.

The CEO of B A Barry Group and the mastermind behind Geohoney Mr Basem Barry says

“I have grown quite fond of these functional yet aesthetically pleasing salt lamps. These can not only make any space calmer and more poise but also do the same for the people who are near them.”

This blog delves into some proven benefits of having Himalayan salt lamps in your house. So, keep on reading to learn more about why these salt lamps are a must for your space.

  • What are Himalayan Salt Lamps?
  • How Do These Work?
  • Proven Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps at Home
  • Naturally Clean and Deodorize the Air
  • Improve Mood & Concentration
  • Reduce Allergy Symptoms
  • Facilitate Better Sleep
  • Neutralize the Electromagnetic Radiation

What are Himalayan Salt Lamps?

These are amber-colored carved or hollowed-out crystals of pink Himalayan rock salt mined directly from the Himalayan Mountain Range. A low-power light bulb is fitted inside the hollow salt crystal which produces a very warm and soft glow.

These lamps are hailed worldwide for the classy ambiance they create indoors as well as for their several benefits for your health and fitness. The beneficial light therapy of Himalayan salt lamps can have plenty of positive effects on your overall health which makes these an attractive item for households.  


How Do These Work?

Himalayan salt lamps are natural ionizers which means they can interact with the surrounding air and change its electrical charge. More specifically, these lamps eliminate harmful positive ions from the air by emanating negative ions that neutralize them.

These lamps produce these ions by attracting moisture or water vapors from the surroundings which then evaporate as a salt solution due to the heat produced by these lamps. This results in the generation of negative ions that are beneficial both for your mental and physical health.

Proven Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps at Home

Following are a few benefits that show why everyone is crushing on Himalayan salt lamps

Naturally Clean and Deodorize the Air

The air around us is filled with all sorts of pollutants that can affect our health if we breathe in it for too long. 

Himalayan salt lamps have a very attractive feature that can help combat this issue. These lamps are hygroscopic which means they can attract water molecules from their surroundings. This allows these lamps to also attract and trap dust, debris, and pollen from the surrounding air along with the water vapors.

This way, these salt lamps can act as an air purifier and improve the quality of air inside your home drastically.

Improve Mood & Concentration

Himalayan salt lamps also have positive impacts on your mood and concentration ability.

Himalayan salt lamps can elevate your mood and enhance concentration by allowing you to unwind and feel fully relaxed when near them. The negative ion interaction with your body improves blood as well as oxygen flow to your brain which stimulates serotonin the chemical responsible for the feeling of happiness.

Reduce Allergy Symptoms

These lamps remove allergy-inducing particles like mold, mildew, pollen, and dust from the air. This significantly reduces the chances of your allergies flaring up indoors.

This is especially helpful for asthmatic patients who need to breathe better quality air as much as possible to avoid triggering allergies. This benefit of Himalayan salt lamps makes it an essential item for people who have chronic asthma or other respiratory issues. 

Facilitate Better Sleep

Better sleep is directly linked with improved mood as well as immunity. The positive ions emitted by the electronics around you as well as the bright lights that you normally use can disrupt your sleeping cycle.

You can replace the bright lights in your room with Himalayan salt lamps that give out a warm but dim glow. This promotes a quicker and more sound sleep as it ensures your sleep hormone melatonin is not disturbed as it does in the case of bright lights.

Neutralize the Electromagnetic Radiation

Every electronic device around is continuously emitting electromagnetic radiation which is responsible for you feeling stressed and fatigued. This not only affects your sleep cycles but also has adverse effects on your immune response.

Himalayan salt lamps can neutralize this harmful electromagnetic radiation thus promoting well-being for you and your loved ones all day long.



Himalayan salt lamps can improve your quality of life while adding an elegant touch to your home décor. The negative ions emitted by these lamps alleviate stress, cancel out harmful rays from electronics, and enhance blood flow to the brain.

All these features lead to a significant reduction in stress as well as better concentration. Having these lamps can thus increase your energy levels and give you that amazing feeling of well-being all day long.


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Working with worldwide beekeepers from more than 53 countries Geohoney strives to produce monofloral honey that meets the highest global quality control standards while using environmentally sustainable resources and adhering to socially responsible policies.

Visit GEOHONEY today to order our premium quality and exquisite Himalayan salt lamps made from 100% pure pink salt crystals. 





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