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Apis Mellifera - Some Astounding Facts About These Beneficial Pollinators

Apis Mellifera - Some Astounding Facts About These Beneficial Pollinators

Beekeepers have been raising honey bees for centuries, collecting the sweet honey produced by the bees. From the blossom to the hive, honey bees work hard in collecting the nectar. As a result, the average worker bee forages tirelessly to produce about 1/12th teaspoon of bee honey in her lifetime. 

A jar of honey is a gift from nature, particularly when you know the incredible story of how it's made by the honey bee or give its Latin family name, Apis Mellifera. Honey is the only food devoured by people that insects produce. 

Apis Mellifera, or the honey bee, is local to Europe, western Asia, and Africa. They were acquainted with different landmasses, including Australia and North America, in the seventeenth century and presently are discovered from one side of the planet to the other. Right now, 26 perceived subspecies fertilize billions of dollars of horticultural business yields throughout the planet every year.

Honey bees feed on pollen and nectar gathered from blossoms that they transform into honey. They go through their tongues to suck the nectar and store it in the foremost segment of the stomach-related tract, called the crop. They gather pollen by getting over the bodies and onto their rear legs in extraordinary designs called pollen bins. 

They like to search during sunlight hours yet don't care for outrageous temperatures, heavy rains, or solid breezes. During warm climates, honey bees gather the most pollen even when it is cloudy outside. We can see them gathering around blossoms, trees, and hedges cheerfully continuing on ahead. 

Worker bees, after getting back to the hive, move the nectar to younger working drones, which then feed different individuals from the hive or cycle it into honey for long-term stockpiling. They do this by adding chemicals to the nectar, which they store in open cells covered with wax.

Let's Have a Look At Some Amazing Honey Bee Facts:

(1) Only female honey bees can sting, the drones can't sting, yet in case you are stung, it will presumably be by a worker bee. Queen bees can also sting; however, they stay near the hive. Thus a sting from it would be exceptionally uncommon. 

(2) An ordinary honey bee colony might have around 50,000 specialists. 

(3) Queen bee is about double the length of a worker bee. 

(4) A queen bee may lay about 2000 - 3000 eggs each day as she builds up her province. 

(5) Honey bees convey through pheromones and go on through taking care of them. This is called 'trophallaxis.' 

(6) Drones don't live longer; they die subsequent to mating. Helpless things! 

(7) Scavenging honey bees need to fly around 55,000 miles to create a pound of honey, visiting around 2 million blossoms.

(8) Honey bees may commonly fly between 1 – 6 km foraging for the blooms yet in addition, up to 13.5 km.

(9) No big surprise, honey bees need a great deal of energy. Honey bees fly up to 15 mph and beat their wings 200 times each second or 12,000 beats each minute! 

(9) Each honey bee makes around one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime.

(10) The honey bee is the solitary bug that delivers food eaten by man. 

(11) Honey bees utilize their front feet, tongue, jaw, and antennae to taste with! 

(12) Antennae on honey bees are exceptionally delicate and significant for tasting things. The tips of the antennae have in excess of 300 taste sensors! 

(13) Aroma is significant for honey bees. An examination has discovered that honey bees are better at learning new scents (smells) toward the beginning of the day. 

(14) Queen bees can live two years. However, they may even live 3 or 4 years, while drones live for 55 days, and worker bees may just live 6 or 7 weeks.

(15) The 'Waggle Dance' empowers worker bees to advise other bees about incredible areas regarding food and water or another home. 

(16) Like different honey bees, Apis Mellifera can't see red. Similarly, as with different sorts of honey bees, they have five eyes: 3 eyes on top of its head, and 2 compound eyes, with various hexagonal aspects. They have bushy eyes! 

(17) To keep warm in winter, honey bees group together in a 'winter bunch.'

Honey bees are one such insect that helps us learn new things. Let us all respect the hard work and do our bit to save the little pollinators from dying. Plant bee-friendly trees and develop gardens to entice these loving bees and help the ecosystem to flourish more. 

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Sara Alhammadi 3 years ago

Very nice blog!!!

Nafal Ghazi 3 years ago

Something new...!!! very nice.

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