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Bees in the Quran: A Sweet Sign from Above

Bees in the Quran: A Sweet Sign from Above

Quran, the holy book of Islam, is filled with profound knowledge and wisdom regarding a very wide range of subjects. The Quran follows a very distinctive style where it uses symbols and metaphors to guide the believers to the right path.

Bees have a very special place in the Quran. So much so that there is an entire chapter in the book named after these industrious creatures i.e., An-Nahl. Allah says in the Quran that bees receive direct revelation which shows how significant these little creatures are.

Bees in the Quran

The CEO of B A Barry Group and the founder of Geohoney, Mr Basem Barry says

“The bees have a special place in Islam. And not just because they give us honey with healing properties but also because we can follow their example to lead better lives.”

With that said, let’s explore further why the bees are a sweet sign from above in the light of the holy Quran.

  • Quranic Verse Praising the Bees
  • The Miracle of Gendered Language
  • Anatomical Details
  • The Community Order and Spiritual Purpose
  • Lessons That Humans Can Learn from the Bees
  • The Healing Powers of the Honey


Quranic Verse Praising the Bees

Allah says in the Quran

“And your Lord inspired the bee, saying, “Take for yourself among the mountains, houses, and among the trees and [in] that which they construct. Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you].” There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed, in that is a sign for a people who meditate.” (16:68-69)

Quran reveals that the way honey bees live and behave is a fine example of how one should live in the world. For truth seekers and true believers, the verses from Chapter An Nahl depict the bee’s symbiotic relationship with nature. The phrases like “inspired,” “mountains,” “trees,” “fruits,” and “emerges” used in the verse show how the bees are interconnected to nature and humans under the direction of Allah.

Quranic Verse Praising the Bees

At the end of the verse, the Creator invites all to look closely at the larger role that bee plays and find wisdom from their actions by saying “Indeed in that is a sign for a people who reflect.”


The Miracle of Gendered Language

When talking about the bee the Quran refers to it in a feminine form which is a remarkable feat of the book. It is now well known that bees live in a matriarchal society. Bees live under the Queen bee which is at the center stage of the hive's entire reproductive cycle.

Other bees are under the service of the Queen bee and they spend most of their time attending to her every need. Most of the functioning of beehives is under the control of females which are also larger in number. This way by referring to bees as females the Quran captures the true essence of a beehive from a strictly morphological standpoint.

The scientific method back then was not strong enough to make these statements due to a lack of observation at this very small scale. This shows the reference to the feminine gender must be divine inspiration which is another proof of the Quran’s miraculous veracity.

The Miracle of Gendered Language

Another remarkable fact is that An Nahl is the 16 chapter of the Quran. The verse in this chapter that talks about the bees is made up of 16 words & 16 different Arabic letters. You will be surprised to know that female bees have 16 pairs of chromosomes, whereas males have 16 chromosomes. This shows it is much more than a mere coincidence.


Anatomical Details

Another fascinating thing is the mention of more than one stomach or belly in the bees that produce honey. This intricate anatomical detail has been confirmed by modern science as well. 

Female bees have two stomachs where one is for digesting the food while the other stores the nectar which is then converted to honey after regurgitation. This fact was not known back in the day when the Quran was revealed which is a clear sign that this is no ordinary piece of scripture.


The Community Order and Spiritual Purpose

The verse we looked at at the start profoundly covers both the mundanity of the bees along with their transcendent purpose dictated directly by Allah. You can see imperative words like follow, eat, or take in these verses which show these creatures are instructed by a higher power to do their job.

Bees can thrive in rugged planes, forests, or mountains according to the Quran. They are also able to create structures or live in man made places which shows how they can extract sustenance from multiple sources.

The Community Order and Spiritual Purpose

This seemingly mundane insect is a spiritual emissary between nature and humans where it transfers sustenance to humanity through organic honey as well as pollination “in which there is healing for people”.

The beauty of the verse is that it links the complex ecological interrelationship of the bee to divine order. So, in a way, it hints at an intelligent creator who has enabled these creatures to create intricate social systems that can benefit humans across the globe.


Lessons That Humans Can Learn from the Bees

The verses related to honey in the Quran do much more than giving you a simple biological account of these creatures. Instead, these verses have a much deeper meaning that you can contemplate to lead a much better life.

According to the Quran, the bees uphold the principles of order, community, and division or responsibility for the collective good. This teaches us to forego individualism and band together if we are to progress.

Bees are the epitome of hard work, resilience, and harmony. The Quran expresses their sublime productivity and resource transfer across ecological spheres in a very beautiful way that urges us humans to do the same.

Another profound lesson that spiritual seekers will appreciate is that despite having humble external features and mundane behaviors, the bees are still able to fulfill a higher purpose. This embodiment of a transcendent purpose by the bees teaches us that we too can do great things if we just follow the right path.


The Healing Powers of the Honey

Quran mentions that the raw honey made in the bellies of the bees has a cure for illnesses. There is enough scientific evidence today to verify the accuracy of this statement.

Honey has antibacterial or antimicrobial features which can help treat infections and promote quicker wound healing. Honey’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it effective against drug-resistant superbugs.

Apart from that, honey has also been used since ancient times for treating sore throat, flu, common cold, coughing, stomach issues, skin conditions, and much more.

The mention of the healing powers of honey in the Quran hints at it being a divine inspiration rather than a human creation as the prophet at that time could not have known all these facts since most of these were proved less than 100 years ago.



Quran’s extraordinary description of the bee’s feminine essence, inter-colony communication as well as healing powers is not short of a miracle. What the Quran mentioned about the bees 1400 years ago has now been proven and backed by modern science.

The discussion of the bees in the Quran is sure to leave learned as well as common people in awe who cannot help but admit that these creatures are definitely a sign of divine sweetness, majesty, and love.

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