Does Honey Help with Allergies: Debunking the Myths


Does Honey Help with Allergies: Debunking the Myths

People with seasonal allergies often hear suggestions either online or from people around them saying they should try honey to cure the symptoms. Though honey seems to relieve these symptoms in some people, still there is no hardcore evidence to suggest that it actually works.

The CEO of B A Barry Group and the mastermind behind Geohoney Mr Basem Barry says

“It is true that there is a lack of evidence when it comes to the claims that organic honey can treat allergies. However, one should also keep in mind that in most cases, it can help reduce the symptoms. Not to mention the strong immunity and an energy boost that you get from it to help you fight the allergies better.”

This blog sheds some light on the myths surrounding the effectiveness of honey in the treatment of allergies. Here we will try to address these to help you uncover the truth so keep on reading till the end.


  • What Are Allergies?
  • Honey for Allergies: The Reason Why It Is Believed to Be Effective
  • Debunking the Myths Surrounding Honey and Allergies
  • Myth 1: Taking Honey Relieves Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
  • Myth 2: Most Seasonal Allergies are Caused by Flowers
  • Myth 3: Allergies Can Be Cured
  • Myth 4: Kids Can Have Honey for Allergies
  • Myth 5: There are No Risks of Eating Honey for Allergies


What Are Allergies?

An allergy is a condition that is triggered when you inhale pollen which is a powder-like substance produced by plants, especially during spring and the start of the winter. You can expect the allergies to attack from February to the end of August or September.  

Your body treats the pollen as a foreign invader just like a bacteria or virus which triggers an attacking response in your body.

This is accompanied by symptoms like sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, coughing, headache, as well as breathing issues.

There are many over-the-counter treatments for treating these conditions. However, some people buy unprocessed honey as they believe it has the healing power to treat these conditions naturally without any side effects.

Honey for Allergies: The Reason Why It Is Believed to Be Effective

The idea behind honey being effective for treating seasonal allergies is an interesting one. According to one theory, raw honey produced in your area has pollen collected by the bees from the nearby plants.

When you eat this honey, you expose your body to the nearby pollen thus decreasing your sensitivity to it over time.

This is also the idea behind allergy shots which essentially expose you to the allergens that you want to fight and get rid of.

However, there is one issue with this theory. The amount of pollen from your surroundings that reaches the honey is very small. When you eat this polyfloral honey, you have no sure way of knowing how much pollen you are being exposed to.

It could be none for that matter. This means you cannot fully desensitize yourself to pollen and that can increase your allergies even when you are having honey regularly.

Debunking the Myths Surrounding Honey and Allergies

Following are a few main myths surrounding allergies as well as honey that you need to steer away from

Myth 1: Taking Honey Relieves Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

There is no scientific evidence suggesting that you can benefit from honey when it comes to relieving seasonal allergy symptoms. Honey can help your body build immunity against local pollen to some extent. However, the pollen in your honey might be different from the one that triggered the allergies rendering it ineffective.  

Myth 2: Most Seasonal Allergies are Caused by Flowers

This is a myth because pollen from most local flowers like roses, sunflowers, or daffodils is stickier and heavier. This type of pollen is not carried away by the wind and thus it cannot contribute to seasonal allergies. In most cases, lighter pollen from grass, trees, or weeds triggers seasonal allergies.

Myth 3: Allergies Can Be Cured

There is no cure for allergies so far. The only way to control these is by limiting your exposure to what causes the allergies. The best way to treat an allergy is by investigating its cause and then taking the steps to address it. 

Myth 4: Kids Can Have Honey for Allergies

Though honey is generally good for kids. But only when they are 12 months or older. In infants who are less than a year old, honey can trigger botulism.

This might happen due to the baby ingesting clostridium botulinum spores present in honey that can lead to symptoms like droopy eyelids, decreased gag reflex, weak cry, and breathing issues.

Myth 5: There are No Risks of Eating Honey for Allergies

Though eating honey that you buy from some global honey brands for allergies is generally safe. However, this is not true for everyone. In rare cases, it can lead to swelling or itching reactions. People who are allergic to bees or wasps can also get allergies from the honey. This is why before consuming honey, you need to consider all these factors.



The real truth behind the effectiveness of honey in treating allergies is still a subject of research and there is not sufficient evidence to support the claims.

In some studies, certain honey types have been found effective for treating specific pollen allergies. However, there is still much work needed in this area to further support the theories.

For now, it is fair to say that honey can, in some cases, relieve seasonal allergies but this is not the only remedy that you should rely on if your symptoms are severe or persistent.


Geohoney is the leading honey brand based in Dubai with over 130 farms equipped with the latest new-tech monofloral initiatives. Our 100% pure, raw, and natural monofloral honey is carefully prepared using single nectar sources which ensures both a high concentration of nutrients and enzymes.

Working with worldwide beekeepers from more than 53 countries Geohoney strives to produce monofloral honey that meets the highest global quality control standards while using environmentally sustainable resources and adhering to socially responsible policies.

Visit GEOHONEY today to get your hands on the most raw and pure monofloral honey sourced using ethical and eco-friendly means.




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