Ancient Significance
of Honey Bees
Bees are the true
fount of very positive symbolism. The bee represents such fine moral qualities
like hard work, diligence, wisdom, spirituality, humility, modesty, humility,
communication, physical and spiritual cleanliness. Little proud bee is a symbol
of courage, dignity, and dedication, because it always stands up for itself,
though, if it stings the enemy, Useful waste products of bees have made it as
an emblem of eloquence (honeyed speeches) and education (due to wax that is
used in making candles).
Outstanding minds of
the Middle Ages (Machiavelli, Shakespeare, etc.) gave certain important
symbolic value to the beehive, seeing in it a vivid allegory for the feudal
state, where the queen bee stands imperious queen, worker bee’s act as a
hard-working farmer, and drones represent parasites - loafers-nobles.
In mythology, the bee
looks like a divine creature, companion and assistant of immortal gods. Its
very origin is often surrounded by a halo of sanctity, according to ancient
Egyptian mythology; bees were born from the tears of the sun god Ra.
In Hittite mythology,
the bee is a savior of the world from the drought, and in the Greek - the nurse
of Zeus, harvested supply of honey and wax for the winter. Honey of wild bees
of mythical Golden Age is ambrosia - food of the gods, bestowing immortality.
Every nation, engaged
in beekeeping, had similar beliefs about the gods - the patron saint of bees.
In gratitude for their patronage, the people sacrificed their first pitcher of
fresh sweet honey. Bees were the companions of some ancient goddesses: the
Phrygian Cybele, the Greek Artemis, the Roman Diana, priestesses of the goddess
of fertility Demeter was called “the bees”.
In the religion of the
peoples of the world the image of the honey insect was idealized, they often
mistakenly attributed wrong characteristics of a bee. So, some people
mistakenly took her hibernation for death portrayed a bee on the tombstones as
the emblem of the resurrection, and the Greeks, the Aryans, and Muslims made it
an allegory of the pure soul.
Christians, too, have
fallen into this kind of error: they believed that the bee breeds by chastity;
they made it a symbol of the Immaculate Conception and emblem of the Virgin
Mary sinless.
Bee was idealized by
many Christian church fathers. The famous preacher, Bernard of Clairvaux, for
example, saw in it the embodiment of the Holy Spirit. Finally, Christianity
closely linked the image of the Savior Himself with a bee: its honey was
associated with the grace of Christ, and the sting - with his sufferings.
In Hindu iconography,
a bee is a symbol of the rebirth of powerful gods. A certain deity matches an
emblem: a bee sitting on a lotus - Vishnu bee over the triangle is a
distinctive sign of Shiva, while the blue bee on a forehead - the emblem of
In the Blue Masonry
bee is a symbol of industriousness. Brothers of the Order were sometimes
likened to these diligent insects, and Masonic Lodge - the hive, where their
tireless work is constantly boiling.
In the military of
ancient and medieval bees were often used as living weapons. One of the most
striking examples brings us to the romantic era of the Crusades. At the time of
the Third Crusade, the troops of Jerusalem, French, English, Danish, and
Flemish Crusaders nearly two years unsuccessfully besieged the Saracen castle
Accra on the coast of Syria. The situation changed when in the summer of 1191
the famous English King Richard the Lion Heart arrived in the camp of the
Crusaders at Accra, amazed the contemporaries by his enormous physical
strength, reckless courage, and unbridled imagination. Before the final assault
by the order of Richard, the catapults threw into the Accra castle hundreds of
beehives. When the knights went on to attack, the Muslims were not up to them:
a crazed by bee stings Saracens fled in panic, and armor protected Crusaders
could not be afraid of retaliation by angry insects. So bees helped Christian
to take the strongest citadel in Syria.
In the ancient East, a
bee was a symbol of royal power, and in the period of the Old Kingdom, it was
also the emblem of Lower Egypt. Golden Bee was the personal emblem of King
Chilperic (539 - 596) and the great Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1804, during the
coronation of Napoleon, his purple imperial robes were embroidered with golden
bees. In the middle Ages, the deeply symbolic emblem of beehive had great
popularity. Three golden bees were depicted even in the arms of Pope Urban VIII
Here are some omens or
signs of weather:
If the bees are buzzing in the morning and do not fly
out of the hive, then bad weather is approaching.
If the bees leave the hive, fly far, expect rain.
If the bees work tirelessly from early morning until
late at night, expect bad weather.
If the bees stop working early, then the next day will
be fair weather.
The bee represents
hard work, diligence, organizational and creative skills, cleanliness,
sociability, modesty, spirituality, courage, wisdom, dedication, eloquence
(“honey of speech”). In Greek, Middle Eastern and Islamic traditions a bee is
an allegory of the soul. Chinese associated bees with the volatility of
“discerning brides”. The ancient Slavs made it a symbol of love, as it combines
the sweetness of honey and bitter of a sting. The queen bee, the mother goddess
is a symbol of supreme power, fertility.
In some traditions the bee was a symbol of the sky and
stars, participated in the creation of the world; it was on God’s side
against the evil spirit.
Pythian prophetess was called the “Delphic Bee”, they
attributed the ability to divination to bees.
In Orphic teaching, bees were considered the embodiment
of the soul, because they are moved like a swarm, like souls which are
like a “swarm” separate from the Divine One.
Celts believed that bees transferred secret wisdom,
coming from another world. The Germans called the air filled with the
souls of the dead - “bee path”.