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Prevalence Of Honey Bees In Human History
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Prevalence Of Honey Bees In Ancient Art & Human History

  • Reading Time: 2 minutes, 43 seconds
  • Post Views: 1327
Honey bees are the most significant pollinators and are frequently making news headlines. The importance of bees in society is represented by the people throughout different cultures & art mediums. Films, games, arts, etc., are some of the popular ways of letting people know more about bees. But is this the recent trend? No, honey bees have a firm place in human history & ancient art throughout various periods. Honey Bees in Ancient Art in Different Cultures & Ages – Honey bees have been portrayed in carvings, adornments, coins, instruments, songs, and sculptures. One of the principal known portrayals of honey bees is in the form of rock stone. This stone is from 8000 BCE in the Spider Caves (Cuevas de la araña) in Spain which depicts a person climbing a stepping stool to gather honey from a hive. Advanced agricultural societies like the Mayans created apicultural strategies (The raising and care of honey bees for business or horticultural purposes) and kept local honey bees in their homes. A few divine beings in their pantheon were blessed as defenders of the hives. The other persons were often represented in postures resembling landing bees in sculptures adorning temples. Chinese art also has a long history of addressing plants, during the Tang Dynasty (618-907), honey bees began to be represented in verse and painting when traditional beekeeping and honey bee items in conventional medication expanded. Use of Honey Bee Sound in Music – The humming sounds and signals honey bees make have enchanted people for a long time. So for sure, the \"drone\" music style promoted by the Beatles Tomorrow Never Knows in name starts from Old English words addressing male honey bees. Apart from this, ancient instruments like Australia\'s First Nations Didgeridoo, Scottish Bagpipes, and India\'s Tanpura look like the rich and hypnotizing drone sound of honey bees, and the ethnic communities of Southwestern China made exceptional honey bee drums to celebrate social connections to honey bees. Honey bee-inspired music and song vary to accommodate the wide variety of experiences and emotions humans attempt to convey. In Britain during the seventeenth century, Charles Butler scored the other-worldly Melissomelos from his sharp perceptions of honey bee \"voices\" and their artistic design. Honey bees have been called upon to communicate human feelings and explore musical dynamics and mastery in well-known music. Importance of Bees in Architecture – Honey bees are some of nature\'s best planners. The hexagonal constructions in honey bee hives have motivated building plans and engineering worldwide, as well as futuristic designs for Mars. These honey bees propelled structures are confirmed across time and societies and address different plan objectives. Now and again, honey bee enlivened design frames the steadiest and most productive constructions. According to Mr. Basem Barry, founder & CEO of Geohoney, honey bees have long assumed a significant part in human culture as pollinators, wellsprings of nutrition, and artistic inspirations and muses. However, as numerous honey bee species are not quite as common as they used to be earlier, there has never been a more significant opportunity to understand and communicate about bees.

Comments (1)
Cruz Rhoba March 25, 2022

Interesting topic on bees, keep it up!

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