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Geohoney Is Excited To Launch An Exclusive New Product - The Himalayan Salt Lamp!

Himalayan Salt Lamp - New Product Launch by Geohoney

Dubai, UAE – February 9, 2022: Exciting news your way! Geohoney is pleased to announce the launch of the new product "Himalayan Salt Lamp'' in the store! Superseding the existing product ranges, the new range of these salt lamps will provide additional versatility and other significant added value features.

With the launch of the new range of Himalayan salt lamps, Geohoney will be offering their customers some fresh & innovative decorative items along with health benefits. Being the world's best honey brand, Geohoney is committed to innovative, new product development, designed to cater to the customers' needs and offer them the best of natural goodness.

According to Mr. Basem Barry, founder & CEO of Geohoney, Himalayan salt lamps available at our store are of the finest quality. Our lamps are made from the original pink salt stones mined from deeper mountains and offer genuine health benefits along with calming ambiance and appealing aesthetics. As our lamps are made up of the best quality salt stones that come from deeper mountain areas, it adds to its cost. Himalayan salt lamps are emptied, lit from within base with a bulb, and give a pinkish, golden shaded shine. 

Adding further, he says, "Himalayan salt lamps by Geohoney are made from the best salt stones that do not melt easily, are solid in making, do not shatter and maintain the original natural shine forever. Our lamps come in beautiful & safe packaging and are attractive options to have on your mantle or your bedside. Some expected health benefits and evidence which prove that these are an excellent addition to your home are – 

(1) Air purification 

(2) Ease respiratory symptoms

(3) Improved mood & sleep

(4) Promotes relaxation

(5) Using as a night lamp

Himalayan salt stones by Geohoney guarantee that the pink salt emits negative ions to assist in refining and further developing the air purity in the surrounding area. However, in addition to the cleaner air theory, many accept that the particles can expand the energy level, further develop the sleep quality and even decrease allergy side effects.

However, the numerous assorted functions of Himalayan salt lamps by Geohoney reach out a long way far beyond aesthetics. Joined with a light source inside the lamps, the pieces of salt produce negative ions, which yield constructive outcomes on indoor air. Setting a Himalayan salt light in each room of the home can receive a few well-being and natural rewards.

Openness to negative ions decreases pressure and upgrades overall performance. Negative particles enhance blood and oxygen supplies to the brain, making Himalayan salt lights incredible at improving concentration. They also increase the neurotransmitter serotonin, which makes the sensation of bliss in an absolute sense.

Geohoney believes in nature! The natural world, throughout history, has been regarded as having a host of benefits for humankind. As nature has numerous wonderful things to offer us, there are many reasons why Geohoney loves nature and doesn't stop treating its customers with the finest quality products like raw organic honey and salt lamps collected from nature.

By launching the new products, we ensure that our customers can avail themselves of genuine and best quality items to assist them with remaining fit, solid, and healthy long into the future. With the intriguing products by Geohoney, we are sure of increasing the value of our clients across the world. To experience good vibes, happiness, and comfort in a personal place, these lamps are just the best to keep at home/office. With small approaches & including healthier products in the collection, Geohoney is helping worldwide customers to live healthily and save more money than ever before.

Are you happy? Go to Geohoney.com and Buy Now !
Mera Tharwat 2 years ago

Such a beautiful variety of lamps, nice!!!

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