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Honey and Tea: A Match Made in Flavor Heaven

Honey and Tea: A Match Made in Flavor Heaven

A delicious cup of tea is a great way to start your day though it is not the only time you can enjoy this wholesome beverage. For many people having tea before work or study increases their concentration and gives them the necessary nutrient boost.

One way to amplify the taste of your tea is by pairing it with your favorite raw honey.

The CEO of B A Barry Group and the founder of Geohoney, Mr Basem Barry says

“Honey-infused tea is a complete package that gives you both a great taste as well as an energy boost that you need to go through the day without feeling drained.”

The rich creamy flavor of monofloral or polyfloral organic honey blends well with the slightly bittersweet taste of the tea which results in a poignant flavor that appears out of this world.

This blog delves into the exciting combination of tea and honey in detail. Here you will learn what makes this combo so great so keep on reading to learn more.


  • Nutritional Value of Tea
  • Nutritional Value of Honey
  • Brewing a Perfect Cup of Honey Tea
  • Benefits of Having Honey and Tea
  • Alleviates Cold and Flu Symptoms
  • Good for Your Teeth Health
  • Effective for Diabetes Management
  • Enhanced Immunity
  • Energy Boost


Nutritional Value of Tea

Tea when mixed in warm water gives you very few calories but plenty of nutrients and minerals. Tea with moderated caffeine content can improve your focus while also protecting you from several chronic illnesses.

Green tea also contains antioxidants as well as proteins, fibres, and vitamins. All these healthy components improve your cardiovascular health, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your sleeping patterns.


Nutritional Value of Honey

Honey that you buy from a brand that sells the best raw honey contains antioxidants like phenols and flavonoids. It also contains trace amounts of zinc, magnesium, and iron.

Pure Raw honey is also rich in vitamins A, B6, and C. Moreover, it also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that prove effective for your physical as well as mental well-being.

One tbsp of honey gives you about 21 calories which keeps you energetic and enhances your endurance for intense physical activities.


Nutritional Value of Honey

Brewing a Perfect Cup of Honey Tea

Now that you know the benefits of having honey and tea regularly. Let’s take a look at how you can use both of these ingredients to create a perfect cup of tea with honey.

To get the best results you need to buy raw honey and mix it with authentic tea from a reputable source.

Here is what you will need

  • Raw Honey
  • Water
  • A Kettle
  • A Cup
  • Tea 

First of all, you can start by mixing bagged or open tea leaves in warm water. The optimal water temperature for green tea is about 180 F while for Black or Herbal tea is about 210 F.

Let the tea steep for 3 to 7 minutes. Once your cup of tea starts to cool add 1 tablespoon of your favorite Buckwheat honey and stir gently. Your perfect cup of tea with honey is now ready.



Brewing a Perfect Cup of Honey Tea

Benefits of Having Honey and Tea

Following are a few reasons why we believe honey and tea are a perfect match made in flavor heaven


  1. Alleviates Cold and Flu Symptoms

Adding almost all Types of honey to your tea and drinking this combination regularly can reduce the symptoms of common colds and flu. It keeps you hydrated when you are sick and soothes your sore throat. This is the reason why experts recommend having honey with tea at least twice a day, especially during the allergy seasons. 


  1. Good for Your Teeth Health

Having tea with pure raw honey cuts down your sugar intake which is good for your teeth health. Moreover, this combination also fights bacteria that contribute to tooth decay which further improves your oral health.


  1. Effective for Diabetes Management

People with diabetes cannot have tea with sugar as it can enhance their blood sugar levels. These people can buy unprocessed honey and add it to their tea to enjoy this amazing beverage without risking their health.

Having green tea regularly also improves your insulin sensitivity which contributes positively to your diabetes management.

Effective for Diabetes Management

  1. Enhanced Immunity

Honey has antioxidants like flavonoids, phenols, etc. while tea contains catechins. All these compounds enhance your body’s ability to fight seasonal as well as chronic illnesses. This way you can buy organic honey online and start adding it to your diet to enjoy better health with little to no effort.


  1. Energy Boost

With the combination of honey that you buy from the best honey brand and tea, you get a sufficient amount of calories and caffeine that give your body a gentle energy lift. Having this tasty combo in the morning can thus give you a quick energy boost which helps you stay active and agile throughout the day.



The honey and tea combination is an amazing addition to your diet if you are looking to start your day feeling fresh and energetic. The combined health benefits of these two items can help reduce the risks of several physical as well as mental illnesses.

Geohoney is the leading honey brand based in Dubai with over 130 farms equipped with the latest new-tech monofloral initiatives. Our 100% pure, raw, and 






Are you happy? Go to Geohoney.com and Buy Now !
MIREYA LANZO 4 months ago


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