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Honey and Walnuts: The Ultimate Superfood Combination You Need

Honey and Walnuts: The Ultimate Superfood Combination You Need

Honey and walnuts are the dynamic duo of nutrition that most of us ignore in our daily lives. We should not, really. Together, they offer a rather impressive array of health benefits that can help you improve your overall well-being drastically. 

While one is a nutritional powerhouse (that’s Walnuts), the other is popularly called the ‘Golden Elixir.’ There must be something, right? Today, we are going to uncover why you need to make this ultimate superfood combination a part of your diet regime. 


Quick Brushup: What’s a Superfood?

While there is no formal definition of a superfood, the health and nutritional industry refers to a superfood as follows: 

“Any food that offers maximum nutritional benefits for minimal calories. They are essentially packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.” 

Consequently, both walnuts and honey are considered as superfoods. 

Nutritional Profile: Walnuts 

A daily serving of walnuts typically looks like this — 1 ounce, ¼ cup, 12-14 halves, or 1 handful. As a food, walnuts are packed with the following nutrients:

  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) 
  • Protein
  • Fibre
  • High levels of Vitamin E, B6, and B7
  • Minerals such as copper, manganese, and phosphorus
  • Antioxidants, specifically polyphenols

The levels of polyphenols in Walnuts are higher than in any other nut. Moreover, it is the ONLY nut with an excellent source of ALA, the plant-based omega-3 fatty acid. Furthermore, as a nutrient-dense food, it is certified by the American Heart Association’s Heart Check mark. The heart check mark is for foods that are healthy for the heart. Another important point to note about walnuts is their low sodium content. 

Nutritional Profile: Honey

Let’s talk about honey now. 1 tablespoon of honey translates roughly to 21 grams of honey. You may wonder, “What is the daily consumption limit for honey?” The answer is 1-2 tablespoons for adults. This 1 tablespoon of honey gives you the following nutritional benefits:

  • Small quantities of Vitamin C and several B vitamins, such as B2, B3, B5, and B6.
  • Minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and Zinc
  • No fats 
  • Amino acids 
  • Antioxidants such as flavonoids and phenolic acid

It’s important to note that the quality of honey and its mineral composition depends on where it is grown and how it is processed. Compared to refined sugar, honey has a low glycemic index. This means that when consumed, honey leads to a gradual rise in blood sugar levels rather than a quick spike. 

Nutritional Profile: Honey

What Can the Two Do Together for Your Wellbeing?

#1 - Give You an Instant Energy Boost

Honey predominantly consists of fructose and glucose — two types of sugar content. These natural sources are primarily responsible for honey’s ability to give you an instant energy boost while managing your blood glucose levels. Similarly, walnuts are known to keep you full for long hours. This makes them the perfect snack duo to keep yourself going without feeling sluggish. 

#2 - Improves Digestion

Walnuts contain a great deal of fibre. These fibres are essential for promoting a healthy microbiome and supporting healthy bowel movements. Honey, especially raw honey, contains natural enzymes that make it a potent prebiotic. It nourishes the beneficial gut bacteria in your digestive system. 

#3: Boosts Your Immunity

This, by far, is one of the top reasons why this superfood duo shouldn’t be ignored. Both honey and walnuts contain antioxidants in sufficient amounts. These antioxidants are known to strengthen your immune system. 

Honey, in particular, is rich in amino acids like proline. The presence of proline makes it possible for honey to scavenge the free radicals in your body to reduce oxidative stress. What are free radicals? Well, they are unstable molecules in your body that can damage DNA in your cells, increase risks of diseases like cancer, and speed up ageing. 

Similarly, walnuts are rich in Vitamin E and Zinc. While Vitamin E helps your body fight off infections and maintain cell functions, Zinc is essential for the maintenance and development of immune cells. It is an important micronutrient which, when deficient, can increase the risk of inflammation in the body. 

#4 - Better Cardiovascular Health

As you know walnuts are a certified ‘healthy-for-heart’ food. They help reduce the total cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Thus reducing the pressure on your heart. Likewise, honey contains antioxidants which protect the heart from oxidative stress. 

So, when you combine the two, you are essentially creating a shield for your heart and improving your cardiac health. It significantly reduces the chances of developing cardiac issues or experiencing one. And if you already have cholesterol or high blood pressure, then this superfood duo will help you keep both of them in check.

#5 - Better Skin 

Honey has the power to improve your skin’s appearance. When applied to the skin, honey’s natural tendency to moisturize your skin leaves your skin soft and supple. Since it is a humectant, it has the power to draw in moisture from the environment and lock it into your skin. This means your skin remains hydrated and moisturized for long hours. Let’s not forget its antibacterial properties that help you fight off acne-causing bacteria. Since honey is healing, you can use it to reduce inflammation, calm your skin, and reduce acne scarring. 

Walnuts too intensely hydrate your skin. Additionally, they protect your skin against UV rays and environmental stressors, thanks to the presence of antioxidants and vitamin B. It also helps boost collagen production in your skin to keep it youthful, given its high vitamin E content. Walnuts also make for great exfoliators. However, they must be used with great care, too, to prevent microtears. 

#6 - Better Hair

Like skin, this superfood duo has a long list of benefits for your hair, too. For instance, honey can promote hair growth by promoting the growth of epithelial (skin) cells. It also works wonders as a hair conditioner, given its natural moisturizing properties. The emollient property of honey smooths the hair follicles, adding a shine to dull hair. 

And then there’s walnuts. Walnut oil is excellent for treating dandruff. Its lightweight texture aids the oil to seep into the scalp’s deepest layers, ensuring proper nourishment. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties soothe the scalp’s redness and reduce itchiness. 


Heart health, digestion, immunity, skin, and hair— this superfood duo of walnuts and honey covers all essential components of well-being and longevity. They are dense with nutrients essential for everyday functioning and long-term growth. However, too much of anything is not good. So remember to be responsible for your consumption. 

We started Geohoney in Dubai with a simple mission: to offer 100% raw honey to the world. Over the years, we have grown to 130+ farms, all equipped with the latest new-tech monofloral initiatives. Our partnerships span over 53 countries, meeting the highest global quality control standards while using environmentally sustainable resources. 

Visit Geohoney today to order our top-quality and authentic honey to keep your body fit and your life healthy.  


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