Pollinator Friendly Garden Can Help Save Honey Bee Population Decline


Pollinator Friendly Garden Can Help Save Honey Bee Population Decline

Pollinators all around the world are important for humans & the ecosystem too. They help in the fertilization of the major food crops that we need for survival. Across most of the continents, many flower-visiting pollinators are active all year round. 

Flowers are a great source to support the population of these pollinators. Honey bees are the key pollinators that help in the fertilization of various food crops & provide us with some amazing bee products. For them, flowers are an important source of food. The sugary nectar they yield from such flowers is an important source of carbohydrates, while the pollen they gather is full of powerful protein punch.

Planting more and more flowers is a great way to attract and sustain predatory insects. This can be effective in keeping pest species under control and reducing the usage of pesticides. To do this perfectly it is a must to know about the pollinators & predators that you can expect in your garden. 

Perhaps the most well-known pollinator is the Western honey bee (Apis mellifera). This species evolved in cooler areas of the world and will in general be more cold-tolerant than most local honey bees. They'll begin to leave the hive when the temperature transcends 13℃, yet are generally active above 19℃. 

Most local Australian honey bees lean toward hotter temperatures. However, a couple of animal types, like reed honey bees (Exonerua) and the sugar bag honey bee (Tetragonula carbonaria), show up on hotter cold weather days when the temperatures come to the mid-to-high teenagers. Flies will in general be moderately tolerant toward cooler temperatures and are the stars of winter fertilization. Hoverflies (Syrphidae), specifically, are garden superheroes. 

Grown-up hoverflies feed on nectar and pollen and can fertilize a scope of plants. As a little something extra, the slimy parasite-like hatchlings of some hoverfly species are unquenchable hunters, cheerfully eating delicate-bodied bugs like aphids.

Other types of flies like blowflies (Calliphoridae) are additionally active through the cooler months. In spite of the fact that blowflies are considered pests, they assume a significant part in the fertilization of certain natural products including avocado and mango, just as seed creation for carrot, celery, and cauliflower. 

With the correct planting, you can likewise draw in predators, for example, parasitoid wasps, lacewings, and ladybird beetles. These insects for the most part feed on different bugs, yet live more and produce more offspring when they approach a sweet taste of nectar.  These all are mainly winter pollinators that can help in the fertilization process. Let us know about the effective ways to support these lovely pollinators in your garden. 

(1) Plant Numerous Colorful Flowers

The least demanding – and generally excellent – approach to help pollinators is to plant bunches of vivid colorful blossoms. Broccoli, bok choi, and mustard greens produce blossoms that are the most loved food of numerous bugs. Allowing a couple of these veggies to go to blossom will help support your neighborhood’s advantageous bugs.

(2) Create Plant Variety 

It is good to look for a huge variety of plants with different shapes, colors & blooming times. Different insects prefer different flowering plants, thereby planting a variety of flower types can ensure a wider range of insects in the garden. 

(3) Keep Pesticides Away

Indeed, even natural or alleged "eco-friendly" insect sprays may hurt gainful pollinators. Rather than insect poisons, attempt low-sway choices, for example, eliminating caterpillars by hand, or utilizing a water shower to eliminate aphids. If you believe you should utilize pesticides, read the name cautiously and pick specific snares and splashes, which target one sort of insect, over expansive range showers, Remember utilizing insect sprays can really make the problems worse by killing advantageous predatory insects.

Get planting as much as you can! 

According to Basem Barry, owner of Geohoney making a pollinator-friendly garden at your place is a superb method to help neighborhood natural life. The nursery will flourish because of the effective fertilization these advantageous pollinators give. 

So get planting, and appreciate the enjoyment of a humming garden brimming with honey bees.

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Svitlana Kotul
3 years ago

Nice blog

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