Sweet Buzz: How Honey Turns Your Day from Meh to Yeh


Sweet Buzz: How Honey Turns Your Day from Meh to Yeh

We all are familiar with the sweet, thick, and golden syrupy liquid known has honey that honeybees make from the nectar collected from flowers of all sorts. We are also aware of the high nutritional value of this natural wonder and its several benefits for the health and fitness of an individual.

But did you know that eating honey is also a great way to make your day better? There is a deep connection between honey consumption and mood improvement and this blog tries to uncover it in detail.

But before that let’s see what Mr. BA Barry the CEO of BA Barry Group and the founder of GEOHONEY has to say in this regard:

“Raw monofloral honey is the secret ingredient for a pleasant day and a happy life. Apart from being a healthy and flavorful addition to your diet, this sweetener makes you feel rejuvenated throughout your day as well.”

Keep on reading to learn more about the benefits of raw honey to understand how it can turn your dull and drab day from meh to yeh!

  • The Nutritional Composition of Honey
  • Honey and Mood Improvement: The Sweet Science Behind
  • Antioxidants in Honey and Mental Health
  • Gut-Brain Connection & Honey
  • A Morning Ritual Involving Honey = A Happy Day
  • Honey Improves Your Day by Helping You Sleep Well

The Nutritional Composition of Honey

Honey is a very nutrient-rich and energy-dense substance that gives your body a much-needed boost of strength. 

A 20-gram serving of honey gives you about 58 kilocalories of energy, 0.08 grams of protein, 3.5 grams of water, and 15.3 grams of carbohydrates.

Apart from that, you also get plenty of vitamins, glucose, and fructose from honey that help meet your body’s nutrient deficiencies.

The high amount of anti-oxidants present in honey also gives your immunity a boost and regulates other bodily functions which leads to a much better and happier day.

All these nutritional elements lead to extremely powerful health benefits of honey for your body.

Honey and Mood Improvement: The Sweet Science Behind

If you are someone who consumes monofloral honey regularly then you might be familiar with the feeling you get afterwards. You become more active and energetic and this energy boost gives you more joy in everything you do.

This is not a coincidence, in fact, there is a scientific basis for this. As honey contains high glucose and fructose contents, it gives you stable blood sugar levels which plays a significant role in mood regulation.

Another effect of honey is that it increases the level of serotonin in your brain. Higher serotonin leads to increased feelings of happiness and well-being. This way honey tricks your brain into feeling happier and that reflects positively on your entire day.

Antioxidants in Honey and Mental Health

Honey is also a rich source of antioxidants like phenolic acids and flavonoids. Antioxidants play a vital role in helping your body combat oxidative stress and inflammation.

As higher oxidative stress is directly linked with mental illnesses like anxiety and depression, taking monofloral honey can help you fight these symptoms better allowing you to feel relaxed and at ease.

Flavonoids offer several neuroprotective effects which improve your cognitive functions and mood. This way by preventing oxidative damage to your brain cells, monofloral honey can help you lead a much physically and mentally healthier life.  

Gut-Brain Connection & Honey

The gut-brain axis forms a bidirectional combination system between these two organs where the health of one directly impacts that of the other. It has been found that a healthy microbiota leads to better brain functions and improved movement.

Honey comes with prebiotic features that support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. This leads to a balanced gut microbiome and that results in reduced stress and depression symptoms.

A Morning Ritual Involving Honey = A Happy Day

The most effective way to tap into the incredible health benefits of honey and into mood-boosting and day-brightening benefits of this sweet delight is by adding it to your morning ritual or breakfast routine. You can make the habit of taking a spoonful of monofloral honey in warm water on an empty stomach every morning to kickstart your day with an energy boost along with a touch of sweetness.

As honey contains various enzymes and nutrients that help break down food, this facilitates smooth digestion and ensures your digestive system is cleansed leading to a really positive start to your day.     

Honey Improves Your Day by Helping You Sleep Well

It is not possible for you to have a productive and pleasant day without first having a sound full night’s sleep. The natural sugar content of honey increases insulin levels which in turn promotes the tryptophan flow into the brain.

Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin which is converted into melatonin. This hormone is crucial for regulating your sleeping cycles. You can take monofloral honey at bedtime by mixing a spoonful in a warm glass of milk if you suffer from irregular sleeping cycles.

This remedy can help you create a healthy sleeping pattern and when you wake up you automatically feel energized and more than ready to cease the day.   


It is clear from the above information that having a spoonful of monofloral honey in the morning or adding it to your regular diet can brighten up your life and improve your overall health.

Honey improves your serotonin levels and that in turn gives you stable melatonin which allows you to fight stress and sleep really well.

Thus, by having honey regularly you can adapt both your mind and body to a healthier lifestyle which reduces health risks and allows you to spend your days feeling yeh!!!


Geo Honey is the leading honey brand based in Dubai with over 130 farms equipped with the latest new-tech monofloral initiatives. Our 100% pure, raw, and natural monofloral honey is carefully prepared using single nectar sources which ensures both a high concentration of nutrients and enzymes.

Working with worldwide beekeepers from more than 53 countries Goehoney strives to produce monofloral honey that meets the highest global quality control standards while using environmentally sustainable resources and adhering to socially responsible policies.

Visit GEOHONEY today to order our pure monofloral honey products to use as sweeteners in your daily diet to make your days more cheerful and fun. 







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