Himalayan Salt lamps have become a staple in so many modern households for their wealth of physical as well as mental health benefits. True Himalayan Salt Lamp enthusiasts keep these in their bedrooms on the side tables, on their working desks, or in other key areas where they spend most of their time.
This is what the CEO of B A Barry Group and the founder of Geohoney, Mr Basem Barry has to say about these lamps
“If you are looking for a cool art piece that not only spices up your indoors but also gives you a cleaner and better atmosphere, then a Himalayan Salt Lamp is what you need.”
But what exactly are these exotic amber-colored glowing objects and how do they work? This is what the main focus of this article will be. This blog covers everything you need to know about Himalayan salt lamp products and their working so keep on reading till the end.
These are lamps made from pink salt that is sourced from the Himalayan Mountain Range. The salt crystals are hollowed out and fitted with low-power bulbs. When turned ON, these lamps emit a very soothing amber glow.
These lamps are believed to act as ionizers that release negative ions and eliminate harmful positive ions from our surroundings. Manufacturers claim and some users report that these lamps actually have a positive impact on moods, allergies, sleeping, patterns, as well as the overall indoor air quality.
As the name suggests, these lamps originate from the magnificent Himalayan Mountain Range that passes through Pakistan, India, China, Bhutan, Afghanistan, and Nepal stretching an area of about 1,500 miles.
These lamps are carved out in artistic shapes or simply hollowed out and fitted with lamps. The real Himalayan salt lamps tend to be more fragile and they give off a very dim light.
If your salt lamp glows extra brightly and is quite tough, there is a high probability that it is fake.
Now to our main question, how do the Himalayan Salt lamps work? Well, there are many theories surrounding this subject and we will look at these in detail to give you a better idea.
One theory suggests that these lamps have Hygroscopic properties. The term hygroscopic is used to describe a substance that absorbs water or moisture from the air.
The Himalayan salt lamps attract water molecules from the air. These molecules often carry allergens, dust particles, toxins, or other pollutants with them. Water molecules settle on the lamp’s surface and evaporate due to the heat. In this process, you get a deposit of these pollutants on the lamps which you can clean with a damp cloth.
This way Himalayan salt lamps give you much cleaner air indoors.
The environment around us contains a very high number of positive ions which leads to an electrical imbalance that poses many health risks. These ions are emitted by electronics such as computers, TVs, HVAC systems, mobile phones, etc. Constant exposure to these ions creates physical and mental fatigue.
The emission of negative ions from these lamps neutralizes these positive ions which reduces their negative impacts.
The emission of these ions results from the ability of the salt crystal to absorb and evaporate water. The heated lamp attracts water which creates an NaCl and H2O solution.
The mixture has three negative and two positive ions as Hydrogen and sodium carries positive ions while Oxygen and Calcium carry negative ions. The two positive and two negative ions cancel each other leaving you with one negative ion which is released in the surroundings. This negative ion reacts with positive ones in the air thus effectively neutralizing them.
Following are a few benefits of using Himalayan salt lamps in your space
As we have discussed before, Himalayan salt lamps have the power to remove dust, pollen, allergens, and other pollutants from the air owing to their hygroscopic nature. By trapping water molecules that contain pollutants these lamps can improve the quality of indoor air significantly.
If you are allergic to mold, pet dander, dust, and other pollutants then you can use these lamps to reduce these symptoms. This is especially helpful for people who suffer from chronic allergies, asthma, and other related health conditions.
These lamps are sources of negative ions that react with harmful positive ions as well as electromagnetic radiations in the surroundings. This can reduce your stress levels, eliminate fatigue, and even increase immunity.
The aesthetic appeal of the Himalayan salt lamps is another reason why you need to have these in your home or office. These lamps can instantly create a very soothing ambiance making your indoor space more pleasant both for the eyes as well as the soul.
The exposure to the blue light and positive ions that are emitted by your phones, TV screens, and other electronics can lead to irregular sleeping patterns. Using these lamps, these effects are significantly minimized which gives you an instantly sound sleep every single day.
These salt lamps soothe your nerves which helps you relax at the end of the day. This also leads to enhanced concentration as there is no physical or mental fatigue while you are around these lamps.
These lamps boost the blood and oxygen supply to your brain and promote the release of the serotonin neurotransmitter which is responsible for the feeling of wellness or happiness.
Himalayan salt lamps instantly elevate the ambience of any space. Apart from that their air cleaning and negative ion-producing features lead to reduced seasonal allergies, better sleep, as well as improved overall physical and mental state.
All these benefits of Himalayan salt lamps are what make these an ideal addition to any indoor space. Just make sure to acquire these lamps from a reputable source that guarantees authentic salt lamps to get the maximum benefits.
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Visit Geohoney today to order our top-quality and authentic Himalayan Salt lamps to keep in your homes and offices at very affordable rates.
As a lover of organic food, I started loving this Himalayan rock salt because of the benefits that I got from it.