Bee-Witched: The Magic of Honey in Skincare


Bee-Witched: The Magic of Honey in Skincare

Honey comes with plethora of benefits for our health and well-being. Its high nutritional content keeps you energetic and helps you fight seasonal and some chronic illnesses.

Moreover, its mineral content such as calcium, zinc, iron, and potassium along with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory features make it ideal both as an ingredient in foods and beverages as well as for external use for people looking for fresh and glowing skin.

The CEO of BA Barry Group and the founder of GEOHONEY, Mr. Basem Barry says

“The benefits of monofloral honey in skincare are owing to its rich nutritional profile which is not found in synthetic or over-the-counter skincare products.”

This blog explores the magic of pure raw honey in your skincare routine in detail. This information will help you understand what makes this sweet, golden, nectar of nature so good for your skin so keep on reading to learn more.

  • Ways in Which Honey Can Enhance Your Skincare Magically
  • Antioxidants to Keep Your Skin Youthful and Glowing
  • Hydrates Your Skin
  • Reduces Acne and Irritation
  • A Great Natural Exfoliator
  • Healing Powers
  • Treats Sunburns
  • Enhances Complexion
  • Get Ready to Bee-Witched: Ways to Incorporate Pure Honey into Your Skincare Routine


Ways in Which Honey Can Enhance Your Skincare Magically

If you are facing skin issues like fine lines, wrinkles, acne, etc., then you just need to buy unprocessed honey and its magic will make all these conditions go away.

Following are a few ways your skin can get better if you use honey in your skincare

  1. Antioxidants to Keep Your Skin Youthful and Glowing

A leading cause of dry and damaged skin is oxidative stress. Thankfully, monofloral honey is rich in antioxidants like Flavonoids which reduce oxidative stress by fighting free radicals. This decelerates the aging process of your skin to some extent making it look youthful and fresh.

So, buy raw honey right now and add it to your skincare regime to rejuvenate the damaged skin cells and give it a natural radiant glow instantly.

  1. Hydrates Your Skin

Another reason why organic honey is best for your skin is that it acts as a natural moisturizer owing to its humectant features. Honey can draw moisture deep into your skin and the best part is that it leaves no oily residue behind.

People who suffer from dry skin can use monofloral honey regularly to get soft and plump skin that looks as well as feels supple and fresh.    

  1. Reduces Acne and Irritation

The benefits of honey for acne-prone skin are really great. Honey has antibacterial features meaning you can use it to kill harmful bacteria in your skin that cause acne or irritation. When you buy honey from the best honey brand and use it daily on your skin, you can give it protection against acne and inflammation.

  1. A Great Natural Exfoliator

Another attractive feature of polyfloral honey is its enzyme activity that sweeps away dead skin cells leaving behind fresher and silkier skin. Honey exfoliates your skin without robbing it of its natural oils.

This way it can gently exfoliate it giving your true complexion a chance to shine.

  1. Healing Powers

If you are suffering from minor injuries like cuts, burns, abrasions, or superficial lacerations, you can buy organic honey online and use it to promote quicker healing. This great natural healer can not only make the healing faster but it can also ensure there are no infections during this phase.

  1. Treats Sunburns

If you are a fan of sunbathing then you might be familiar with the painful redness and burning sensation afterward. To prevent this from happening, you can apply honey in those areas.

This can lessen the pain intensity while ensuring the red spots are removed quickly allowing you to bask in the sunshine without feeling like you are risking your skin.  

  1. Enhances Complexion

And finally, you can buy the world best honey from some reliable producer and use it to make your complexion fairer and more luminous. Using this natural complexion enhancer, you can return your skin to its natural tone with a hint of radiance and glow.


Get Ready to Bee-Witched: Ways to Incorporate Pure Honey into Your Skincare Routine

The benefits of monofloral honey and raw honeycomb are numerous. But to truly experience them you need to use them the right way.

Following are a few ways you can improve your skincare routine with natural and raw honey

  • You can use it as a face mask by applying it directly to your skin and leaving it for 15 to 20 minutes. You can rinse it with warm water and get supple and glowing skin instantly.
  • You can also use it as a honey sugar scrub. For this, you need to crystallize it and after that exfoliate during the shower.
  • You can use it as a makeup remover by combining it with olive oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil. 
  • You can use monofloral honey as a face cleanser or exfoliator.
  • You can add a few drops of honey to your face wash or add it to equal parts of baking soda to make a face scrub.
  • You can apply it at the site of your scars to make them fade faster.
  • You can make a mixture of three parts honey from some best honey brand in world and one part ground cinnamon by heating it together slightly and then use this paste on your face to get rid of acne. 



Honey can prove to be a really amazing addition to your skincare routine if you use it the right way. Its healthy and rich nutritional profile can keep you looking more glowing, youthful, and fair for years to come.

So, it is time you bought some best raw honey in the world and started using it both as a food ingredient as well as an external skincare product to keep your skin hydrated and to get rid of dullness, acne, and scars.

This natural remedy comes with very few side effects, unlike chemically prepared skincare products that do your skin more harm than good. So, add this to your skincare routine and get ready to be bee-witched.  


Geo Honey is the leading honey brand based in Dubai with over 130 farms equipped with the latest new-tech monofloral initiatives. Our 100% pure, raw, and natural monofloral honey is carefully prepared using single nectar sources which ensures both a high concentration of nutrients and enzymes.

Working with worldwide beekeepers from more than 53 countries Goehoney strives to produce monofloral honey that meets the highest global quality control standards while using environmentally sustainable resources and adhering to socially responsible policies.


Visit GEOHONEY today to buy our top-quality monofloral honey to use in your skincare routine to get the perfect skin every single day.


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