Buzzin’ for Organic Sugar: Sweetness Without the Guilt


Buzzin’ for Organic Sugar: Sweetness Without the Guilt

Buzzin’ for Organic Sugar: Sweetness Without the Guilt

It can be very tough fighting the urge to eat something sweet once you see it right in front of you. This is especially the case with people who have a sweet tooth and just cannot resist the desire to snack on sweet treats.

But once you have had the sugary delight, more often than not, you tend to feel guilty afterward because you know in your heart that it is not good for your health.

The founder of GEOHONEY and the CEO of B A Barry Group, Mr. Basem Barry says

“For guilt-free sweet eating, you must consider adding organic sugar to your daily diet. You can get it from plenty of sources like monofloral honey, stevia, or dates. Just replace these with refined sugars and you can enjoy the same taste without any guilt or regrets.”

This blog explores some organic alternatives to sugar that you can add to your sweets and enjoy without beating yourself up afterward so keep reading till the end.


Reasons Why Organic Sugar is Good for Your Health


Following are just a few reasons why adding organic sugar to your diet can improve the quality of your life and allow you to satisfy your sweet tooth without any guilt

  • Organic sugars are rich in amino acids, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, vitamins, and trace amounts of minerals like iron, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.
  • These sugars are obtained from organic sources that are free from pesticides and they do not undergo any chemical treatment.
  • Organic sugars obtained from sources like polyfloral honey have a very low glycemic index and calorie content.
  • These sugars regulate blood sugar levels and prevent various heart diseases.
  • Adding these sugars to your diet makes you feel good about your eating habits.
  • Organic sugars have positive effects on your immunity, digestion, and skin and hair health.

All these points clearly show how you can free yourself from feeling guilty every time you eat something sweet if you ditch refined sugar for organic.


Natural & Organic Alternatives to Regular Sugar: Sweetness without Any Guilt

Following are some alternatives to refined sugar that you can try to get the same level of sweetness without any guilt


  1. Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohols or polyols are a class of carbohydrates found mainly in vegetables and some fruits. Maltitol, Xylitol, and erythritol are some common sugar alcohols that you can use in place of regular sugar.

These sugars have substantially fewer calories and the best part is they are not fermented by the bacteria in your mouth which reduces the risks of teeth damage.

This alternative can satisfy your sugar cravings but you also need to keep in mind to consume it in moderation. Excessive consumption of sugar alcohols can lead to digestive upset in some cases.


  1. Honey

If you are looking for the safest and the most delicious alternative to refined sugars then you can buy unprocessed honey. It is rich in antioxidants like flavonoids that protect you from cell damage.

Moreover, its high nutritional content and distinct flavor can make any food item instantly tastier and healthier.

You can use monofloral raw honey in your diet to boost your immune system and prevent or treat seasonal colds and flu. This not only makes your sweets taste better but also allows you to enjoy them without feeling guilty.


  1. Dates

Just like the best raw honey in the world that you buy from a trusted source, dates are also a good source of vitamins and nutrients. You can add these to your homemade smoothies or milkshakes to add both sweetness and healthy minerals.

You can create a thick paste of dates and use this in the ratio 1:1 as a replacement for refined sugar. Dates do not affect the blood sugar level very much despite being high in calories and natural sugars which keeps you healthy and energetic.


  1. Yacon Syrup

This sweet syrup is obtained from a plant native to South America namely the Yacon plant. This sweetener is rich in fructooligosaccharides and it contains only about 1/3 of the calories of regular sugar.

Another feature of this sweetener is that it contains prebiotics that keep healthy bacteria in your gut nourished which improves digestion and increases the feeling of fullness.


  1. Molasses

This thick brown syrup-like substance is made by boiling sugar cane or sugar beat juice. It is rich in vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants just like pure raw honey

Molasses also contain calcium, iron, potassium, and trace amounts of other minerals that are good for your health. You can add this alternative to your diet and have a guilt-free sweets-eating experience every single time.



You don’t have to feel guilty every time you crave something sweet and you eat it to satisfy your urges. After all, sugar is everywhere and it is really hard to avoid it.

But it is also true that by making simple adjustments to your lifestyle you can enjoy your sweet delights without any remorse. Just replace the sugar in your house with organic sweeteners and use them whenever you feel like having something sweet.

This can not only give your body the necessary nutrients and minerals it needs to stay energetic but it also ensures the risks of chronic or seasonal diseases are reduced. So, the next time you wish to enjoy your favorite sweets without feeling guilty you can give it a twist of organic sugar and have fun.


Geo Honey is the leading honey brand based in Dubai with over 130 farms equipped with the latest new-tech monofloral initiatives. Our 100% pure, raw, and natural monofloral honey is carefully prepared using single nectar sources which ensures both a high concentration of nutrients and enzymes.

Working with worldwide beekeepers from more than 53 countries Goehoney strives to produce monofloral honey that meets the highest global quality control standards while using environmentally sustainable resources and adhering to socially responsible policies.

Visit GEOHONEY today and order our top-quality honey products to use as an organic sugar source to improve your health and well-being while enjoying flavorful sweets.


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