Common Honey Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction


Common Honey Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Honey, that sweet and golden nectar of nature that people from all parts of the world so adore, is an amazing source of health and nourishment. Its nutritional contents make it a much better alternative to regular sugar which poses several health risks.

According to Mr Basem Barry, the CEO of B A Barry Group and the mind behind the Geohoney

“Honey continues to be an important part of our lives even after centuries of use. However, it is also true that there are many myths or misconceptions about this delicious delight out there that need to be addressed to get the best out of it.”

This blog explores some of the most common myths about pure raw honey and tries to separate them from the truth. This way, you will be able to make the most of your honey without falling prey to misinformation.


Most Common Myths Surrounding Honey

  • Myth: Honey Doesn’t Spoil.
  • Myth: All Honey is the Same.
  • All Bees Make Honey.
  • Honey is Vegan.
  • Myth: Darker Honey is Better.
  • Myth: Crystallized Honey is Spoiled.
  • Myth: Heating Honey Destroys its Health Benefits.
  • Myth: Its Dangerous to Use Metal Spoons for Scooping Honey.
  • Myth: Filtered Honey is not As Authentic as Raw Unfiltered Honey.
  • Myth: Only Small Bee Honey has High Medicinal Value.
  • Myth: Foamy Honey has Gone Bad.
  • Myth: Honey is Gluten Free.


Most Common Myths Surrounding Honey

Following are the most common and persistent honey myths that everyone needs to steer away from

  • Myth: Honey Doesn’t Spoil.

Fact: It is true that Pure raw honey has an impressive shelf life compared to almost any other edible item. When stored properly, honey can last you or several decades without losing its healthy nutrients or taste.


  • Myth: All Honey is the Same.

Fact: This is a myth because the taste, texture, and color of monofloral honey depends on the nectar source. Moreover, pure and raw honey which is minimally processed is also different from heated or filtered honey in terms of taste.


  • Myth: All Bees Make Honey.

Fact: Out of 20,000 known types of bees only 5% produce honey. only stingless or honeybees produce large amounts of honey that you can harvest in great amounts.


  • Myth: Honey is Vegan.

Fact: Some people avoid honey since they consider it a non-vegan product. As honey is made by bees by collecting flower nectar and converting it into honey using enzymes in their stomach. This makes honey a non-vegan diet.


  • Myth: Darker Honey is Better.

Fact: When people buy honey from a brand that offers the best raw honey in the world, their main priority is to pick honey that is darker in color. This belief that darker honey is always better has no truth to it whatsoever.

The color of honey has nothing to do with its nutritional value. It depends mainly on the floral nectar source.


  • Myth: Crystallized Honey is Spoiled.

Fact: Crystallization is merely a natural process of honey trying to preserve itself. Over time, when you buy organic honey online the glucose in it separates from the water in the form of crystals. But this change in the texture of honey doesn’t indicate spoilage.


  • Myth: Heating Honey Destroys its Health Benefits.

Fact: Heating honey only removes a very small part of its healthy enzymes which doesn’t have a considerable effect on its nutritional value. In fact, mildly heating honey can reduce its viscosity which makes it easier to use it in bakery items or beverages.


  • Myth: It's Dangerous to Use Metal Spoons for Scooping Honey.

Fact: Scooping your honey with a metal spoon doesn’t make it toxic contrary to what most people believe. The process of taking your out of the jar with a spoon is a quick one which means there are no risks of the metal reacting with the honey.


  • Myth: Filtered Honey is not As Authentic as Raw Unfiltered Honey.

Fact: Raw honey comes directly from the hive. It is mildly filtered to remove debris or pollen. The ultrafiltered or highly processed honey contains somewhat less enzymes. But still, this type of honey is also pure and has a very long shelf life.


  • Myth: Only Small Bee Honey has High Medicinal Value.

Fact: All types of bees use the same processes to make honey which means there is no qualitative difference in the honey. All types of honey thus have the same nutritional as well as medicinal value.


  • Myth: Foamy Honey has Gone Bad.

Fact: A foamy texture on the honey surface appears due to the tiny air bubbles escaping from the top. This might happen when pure honey stays sitting for a long while. This doesn’t indicate the honey has gone bad, instead it shows your honey is pure and still fresh.


  • Myth: Honey is Gluten Free.

Fact: This is not a myth since there are no contents of wheat, barley, oats, rye in its composition. This makes it a gluten free product that anyone can use.


So, the next time you are out buying honey from some best honey brands make sure to keep these myths in mind. The above honey myths are so common that one seldom questions their authenticity.

This not only limits the usage of honey but can also lead to honey wastage since you don’t know whether it has spoiled or just changed its state from liquid to solid through crystallization.

So, keep these myths in mind the next time you are having this tasty natural ingredient raw or in some recipe to get the best value out of it.

Geo Honey is the leading honey brand based in Dubai with over 130 farms equipped with the latest new-tech monofloral initiatives. Our 100% pure, raw, and natural monofloral honey is carefully prepared using single nectar sources which ensures both a high concentration of nutrients and enzymes.

Working with worldwide beekeepers from more than 53 countries Geohoney strives to produce monofloral honey that meets the highest global quality control standards while using environmentally sustainable resources and adhering to socially responsible policies.

Visit GEOHONEY today to get your hands on the most raw and pure monofloral honey out there to improve your health and well-being without sacrificing sweetness.


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