When we all think of a honey bee, fuzzy-yellow colored body, black stripes; little antennas; and a humming buzz are the first things that come to mind. These charismatic & cute little buzzing creatures are an integral part of the agricultural economy. From the smallest sweat honey bee to the biggest carpenter honey bee, the variety of honey bees found in the yards and nurseries is really incredible. Natural honey, bee pollen, royal jellies, propolis etc. are some valuable products gifted to humans by these little bees.
Without the existence of honey bees, the world wouldn't look the same as it does today. The presence of different environmental frameworks would not exist and neither will be our present food system. Honey bees help in the development of plants and blossoms by pollination. Numerous kinds of honey bees are specialized pollinators, totally intended to pollinate specific plants. However, these local pollinators responsible for pollinating both wild and cultivated plants are unfortunately facing dramatic population decline because of loss of scavenging and nesting spaces, pesticide exposure, and different microbes and parasites.
We know that bees pollinate crops and give us bee honey. But there are many more interesting facts about the planet’s most fascinating insects. Let’s start with the obvious ones –
(1) Bees are Hard Working Insects –
Honey bees work continuously to help the colony thrive. From gathering nectar, raising young ones, forming honeycomb, or protecting the hive are done by the bees. They work hard to store nectar to survive in the colder months of the year as they cannot survive in the outer atmosphere during winters. One poor fact about honey bees is that they hardly ever last longer than six weeks as they work literally hard to collect nectar during summers which leads them to death.
(2) Bees Modify Their Brain Chemistry While Changing Jobs –
Different bees are bound to do their specific jobs. Scout bees are wired for adventure as they work to search for new food sources. Soldier bees are responsible for the security of colonies throughout their life. But, most incredibly, normal bumble bees—which play out numerous positions in the course of their life—will change their brain chemistry before taking up another gig.
(3) Bee Sting in Beneficial –
Studies have proved that toxin (called Melittin) present in bee venom may prevent HIV by poking holes into the virus's protective envelope. Honey bee stings may likewise ease pain caused by arthritis as the atoms found in honey bee toxin increment the body's degree of glucocorticoid, an anti-inflammatory hormone.
(4) Bees Use Viking-like Navigation Techniques –
Honey bees utilize the Sun as a compass. In case of cloudy weather, they explore by enraptured light, utilizing extraordinary photoreceptors to discover the Sun's position in the sky, a comparative framework utilized by the Vikings may. On radiant days, they navigate with sundials, however, on shady days, sunstones act like a Polaroid channel helping them to stay on course.
(5) Bees Have Surprisingly Smelly Footprints –
Honey bees are capable of distinguishing their scent & the scent of their strangers. This ability helps these buzzing creatures in finding the source of food & avoiding flowers that they have already visited.
Honey bees are cute & important to the ecosystem and that is why we all love them. Let us all take some necessary steps to provide a diversity of plants & flowers to the little bees. Keep in touch with Geohoney, the world best honey brand, and take a step forward in saving these little pollinators.
Good to read about honeybees.