Geohoney Offers 10% Off On All Honey Products For World Bee Day


Geohoney celebrates World Bee Day and offers a 10% discount on all honey products. A close-up of a honeycomb with bees and honey in it.

Global Pollination and Green Tech Company, Geohoney, Celebrates World Bee Day by Offering 10% Off on All Honey Products

May 4, 2023 - Geohoney, the global pollination and green tech company, is proud to celebrate World Bee Day on May 20th, 2023. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of bees and other pollinators in maintaining our ecosystem and food supply.


Geohoney is a company that is committed to saving bees and preserving the environment while providing pure, raw, and organic honey to the world. With 4 patented technologies and over 300 types of honey, including both monofloral and wild, Geohoney is the only company in the world that offers such a wide variety of honey products.

On this occasion of World Bee Day, Geohoney is offering a flat 10% discount on all its honey products. Customers do not need any discount code to avail of this offer. This offer is valid for a limited time only.


Mr. Basem Barry, the CEO and founder of Geohoney, expressed his excitement about this occasion by saying, "We are proud to celebrate World Bee Day and raise awareness about the importance of bees in our ecosystem. Honeybees are not only essential for pollination and recognised for pollinating a substantial percentage of our food supply, they also play a significant role in maintaining our climate and food security and contributing to the balance of life in their habitat. Honeybees also provide us with one of the most natural and nutritious sweeteners in the world - honey. As a result, we must constantly remind ourselves of the need to strive for better bee circumstances. At Geohoney, we are committed to protecting bees and the environment while providing our customers with the best quality honey."


Geohoney is a company that believes in sustainable practices and ethical sourcing. We work closely with beekeepers around the world to ensure that their bees are not exposed to harmful chemicals or pesticides. This helps to protect the bees and maintain the purity of their honey.


Geohoney's mission is to make a positive impact on the world by promoting sustainable beekeeping practices and providing customers with the best quality honey products. So, on this World Bee Day, join Geohoney in celebrating bees and their contribution to our planet by taking advantage of their special offer and supporting their mission.

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karin weber
1 year ago

This celebration is one way of acknowledging the hard work of these beautiful creatures.

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