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Here’s How Humans Can Save Bees from the Stinger of Climate Change

save bee honey

Stranger than fiction! Everyone wants honey, but nobody wants’ the bees near them. That opinion might soon change, based on the recent alerts on dwindling bee populations, factors affecting bee colonies were soon cited as, intensive agriculture, pesticide use, and climate change. Urbanization was cited as a major reason too. Deteriorating patterns such as – Habitat loss, and lack of natural feed have led entire bee colonies to vanish. In an urban setup, sound, air and light pollution were causing unnecessary stress on bees. Geohoney believes that quick action must be taken to save bees.

Certain bees nest in buildings and arches instead of trees, this might lead to conflict with humans. In such cases, it is often observed that bees don’t attack humans until they are provoked. The biggest threat to bees is the lack of knowledge of them. People spray pesticides or burn the hives; also the fact that our cities have become concrete jungles causing a heatwave in the entire locale, bees can’t stand this increase in heat.

The damage is already done, but Geohoney feels humans can reverse the damage. Here’s how? The good news is that urban centers are a far better place where bees tend to migrate, in comparison to farmlands. People can plant native plants and seasonal fruits and vegetables in their lawns or balconies. There is also a need for educating people on bees and beekeeping. Native bees can be grown as pets by proper beekeeping techniques. So people can develop a hobby of beekeeping and the bees can collect the nectar for you. There needs to be a change in perception of how we understand bees.

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Marcia Fedrick 4 years ago

One must understand the importance of bees as pollinators, probably why the key focus must be shifted on how to cultivate and protect this species. Very informative blog.

Ameelia 4 years ago

Ya, we need to step up and save this planet, its high time we shift focus and save vulnerable species like bees. Thanks for the information.

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