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Why Yemeni Honey Is Called Liquid Gold: Benefits and Uses

Why Yemeni Honey Is Called Liquid Gold: Benefits and Uses

There are so many types of honey out there that one cannot possibly keep track of them all. Each of these honey types has specific tastes and textures based on the flora that nature’s hardworking creatures i.e., the bees forage. 

However, there are some types of honey that are far superior to the rest in terms of flavor as well as nutritional benefits. One such type of honey is the Yemeni Sidr honey. In fact, it is so special that it is known globally as nature’s liquid gold.

The CEO of B A Barry Group and the founder of Geohoney, Mr Basem Barry says

“What makes Yemeni honey stand out is its exceptional flavour combined with amazing healing powers and a rich nutritional profile.”

This blog explores this special type of honey in detail. The benefits and uses of this monofloral honey mentioned below will make it clear why it is referred to as liquid gold, so keep on reading until the end.


  • What is Yemeni Sidr Honey?
  • Why is It Called The Liquid Gold?
  • Origin
  • Nutritional Profile
  • Rarity
  • Benefits of Yemeni Honey
  • Enhances Digestive Health
  • Increased Immunity
  • Heals Burns and Wounds
  • Improves Skin Health
  • Anti-Ageing Effects
  • Relief From Seasonal Illnesses
  • Uses of Yemeni Sidr Honey


What is Yemeni Sidr Honey?

Yemeni Honey ranks among the most premium honey types owing to its rarity and exceptional taste as well as nutritional profile. This honey is made by special bees from the nectar they collect from the flowers of the wild Sidr trees that grow in the remote areas of Yemen.

What is Yemeni Sidr Honey

The Yemeni honey is collected using traditional tools from Sidr trees that grow without any pesticides, chemicals, or fertilizers. After collection, this honey is minimally processed to remove impurities and then packed in containers in its raw form.

Ane interesting thing about this honey is that it has about the same pH as the human body which means it is absorbed or processed quickly which results in several positive health benefits.


Why is It Called the Liquid Gold?

Sidr honey is often referred to as the Liquid Gold. This wonder of nature is packed with essential nutrients that keep your mind and body rejuvenated. The following points highlight why this honey is so special.


  • Origin

The Yemeni honey is so special as it is prepared by rare bees in a very pristine environment in Yemen’s mountainous region of Hadramaut. The sidr trees grow in the wild in locations that are far from the disturbances caused by human activities. The honey made from these trees retains its originality which is reflected in its deep amber color and bold earthy flavor.  


  • Nutritional Profile

When you buy organic honey online, your main goal is to get both a great taste as well as maximum nutrients. But most honey types available in the market are processed. 

This is not the case with Yemeni Sidr honey. This honey is packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. It is rich in antioxidants which give your cells protection against free radicals.

It has minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron and plenty of vitamins including B6, niacin, and vitamin C. A 100-gram serving of the Sidr honey gives you about 320 calories, 85g carbohydrates, and 0.4 g proteins.

This exceptional nutritional profile is what gives this honey a very high status as compared to other types of honey.


  • Rarity

Extreme rarity is another main factor that gives this honey the status of liquid gold. This honey is carefully collected using traditional methods and manual labour from the Hadramaut region in the mountains that surround a secluded valley known as Do'an in the Southern part of Yemen. 


Bees collect nectar from these wild trees in a brief time frame during the year which also leads to limited honey production and hence the high cost of this substance.


Benefits of Yemeni Honey

Following are a few benefits of the Yemeni sidr honey that make it so popular across the globe


  1. Enhances Digestive Health

This honey contains probiotic properties and some enzymes that promote better functioning of your digestive system. The enzymes in this honey can break down sugars and carbohydrates in your stomach which leads to enhanced health of your digestive tract.


  1. Increased Immunity

When you buy unprocessed honey from a source that sells pure Yemeni honey and use it daily, it can increase your immunity. This type of honey has antibacterial, antiviral, and antioxidant features that strengthen your immune system thus protecting you from seasonal and viral infections.  


  1. Heals Burns and Wounds

You can use Sidr honey as a topical treatment to heal burns and minor wounds. This honey prevents infections and speeds up tissue regeneration, leading to quicker recovery.


  1. Improves Skin Health

You can use organic sidr honey to reduce the symptoms of eczema, dermatitis, acne, and pigmentation. You can also use it as a natural moisturizer. The antimicrobial properties found in this honey are also useful for cleansing your skin.


  1. Anti-Ageing Effects

You can buy raw honey and use it to revitalize your ageing skin. This honey has anti-ageing effects due to the presence of antioxidants that neutralize the harmful free radicals.

This honey reduces oxidative stress on your body which helps preserve your skin’s youthful appearance.

Moreover, using this honey can also stimulate Collagen synthesis in your body. Collagen is a protein that maintains firmness in your skin and with this honey you can increase its production. This helps you maintain suppleness in your skin and reduce fine lines.


  1. Relief From Seasonal Illnesses

Another benefit of Sidr honey is that it protects you from several seasonal illnesses, such as flu, cold, and hay fever. You can also use it as an effective remedy to reduce sore throat and coughing symptoms. You can add it to your milk or water to relieve respiratory congestion as well. 


Uses of Yemeni Sidr Honey

Following are some common uses of Yemeni honey that you need to know

  • You can use it as a natural sweetener in pancakes, yoghurt, or ice cream to get the best taste without harmful side effects.
  • You can use it as a glaze for chicken, lamb, and other types of meat to enhance the flavor.
  • You can either create a face mask or apply it directly on your skin to attain instant radiance or glow.
  • You can add Sidr honey to slightly warm water and drink it to reduce coughing and cold symptoms.



Yemeni honey is truly nature’s liquid gold owing to its exceptional taste and texture. This rare type of honey stands out for the myriad health benefits that its regular use can give you. 

The Yemeni Sidr honey is not like regular honey as it is prepared in a secluded environment in the mountainous region of Yemen. This honey is a powerhouse of nutrients and its rich flavour profile is just the cherry on top.

So, the next time you have this exotic honey, remember these details to truly appreciate its value.

Visit GEOHONEY today to buy pure monofloral Yemeni Sidr honey to get the best value for your money.


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