Yemen has long been known for producing the best quality honey globally. Amid the harshness of the Yemeni desert, the sweetness of this unique honey type is cherished as a symbol of perseverance. Probably the best, and purest honey, comes from honey bees that collect the nectar from the blossoms of the Sidr tree, delivering pale-colored honey with a bitter aftertaste.
While the wars in the Yemeni region have made travel troublesome, shutting down numerous streets for customary beekeepers, life is a lot of something similar: many beekeepers in Yemen can traverse frontlines effortlessly, moving around every few months in search of flowers for their bees. However, Yemen's honey industry faces many difficulties. Fuel deficiencies, landmines, and frontlines obstruct farmers from transporting colonies to feed on seasonal plants. Climate change is also seen as a problem.
All these war-like situations usually come to mind whenever people think of Yemen. Still, it is surprising to know the Yemen region is more popular because of the honey varieties it offers to worldwide customers. Below are the five popular raw Yemeni honey types that are healthy to consume and absolutely delicious to taste –
(1) Yemeni Sumar Honey -
This honey type got its name after the Sumar tree found in the Hadramout region, the primary source of nectar for the bees. Being the most popular variety of Yemeni honey, it offers a caramel taste without being excessively sweet.
(2) Yemeni Wildflower Honey –
Wildflowers grow in one of the remaining regions in Yemen that aren't polluted; additionally, in the Hadramout district, honey harvested in this locale takes its interesting flavor not just from the flowers from which the bees gather nectar but also from the surrounding environment. This is the most delicate Yemeni honey type with a sweet, pleasant aroma.
(3) Yemeni Sidr Doany –
The Sidr tree, also called Christ's Thorn or the Jujube tree, has been highlighted noticeably in the Middle East locale - the Pharaohs even utilized its wood to build some of their historically brilliant structures; it is also ubiquitous in Southern Yemen, especially in Wadi Do'an. In addition, thousands of beekeepers collect this honey twice a year from the mountains located in this remote desert region.
(4) Yemeni Sidr Wasabi –
This Yemeni honey variety comes from the Wasabi district between the north and south of Yemen. As this area is known for its bizarre soil and environment, Yemeni Sidr Wahabi honey offers an extremely rich toffee and butterfly flavor. It is different from other Yemeni honey types and is becoming popular due to its unique characteristics.
(5) Yemini Sidr Usami –
Sidr tree also originates from the Usaimat region located in northern Yemen, from where the bees collect nectar to produce Yemini Sidr Usami honey. Although the soil and climate of the Usaimat region are different from the other Yemeni regions, this honey variety offers the same medicinal properties but comes with a slightly different flavor.
Geohoney delivers 100% raw and natural honey, which is not processed to retain all of its organic attributes. Our honey products help the body gain instant energy because of the remarkable amounts of vitamins, proteins, lipids, enzymes, mineral substances, amino acids, antibacterial and antibiotic components. Experience the rich benefits and delicate flavors of these numerous Yemeni honey types and fall in love with the natural goodness.
Before reading this article , I didn't knew if there are so many varieties of yemeni sidr honey. This article helped me to known more about my favorite honey.