Bee Conservation Techniques: How To Protect Our Pollinators


Bee Conservation Techniques: How To Protect Our Pollinators


Bees are an important part of our ecosystem and they are key contributors to maintaining a steady global food supply. Apart from bringing us the sweet yellow treasure we know as monofloral raw honey; these pollinators are also responsible for starting the reproduction cycles of a vast variety of flora.

Unfortunately, the bee population worldwide is decreasing faster than ever mainly due to habitat destruction, use of pesticides, and overall toxic human activities.

The founder of GEOHONEY and the CEO of BA Barry group Mr. Basem Barry has also expressed concern in this regard. According to him 

“Bees are in danger and it is upon us to take immediate action both individually and collectively. It can be as small as growing more flowers and supporting the local beekeepers. Bees have always been doing their part and now it is time for us to do ours.”

This blog explores some of the easiest and most effective bee conservation techniques that anyone can use to protect these precious creatures from going extinct. So keep reading to find out the best ways to protect our pollinators.


  • The Importance of Bee Conservation
  • Bee Conservation Techniques
  • Plant More Bee-Friendly Flowers
  • Minimize the Use of Pesticides
  • Give Proper Nesting Places to Bees
  • Support Local Beekeepers and Organizations
  • Become a Lazy Gardener
  • Limit the Use of Artificial Lighting At Night


The Importance of Bee Conservation

Before we look into some effective and easy bee conservation methods, it is better if we discuss a little about exactly why there is a need for you to conserve bees.

Well, for one thing, these bees collect the nectar of flowers and process it in beehives to give us monofloral Honey which is an adored sweetener across the globe. According to an estimate, bees create more than 300 types of honey in different parts of the world.

However, this is not the only thing they do. Bees are also responsible for producing more than a third of all the food in the world. How do they manage that? Well, when collecting nectar from flowers for making monofloral honey, these creatures also collect a yellow powdery substance known as pollen on their legs.

When bees move to another plant or some other flower of the same plant, they drop this pollen inside them which triggers their reproduction cycles. This process is often referred to as Pollination.

This way bees directly impact the growth of a wide range of plants, wildflowers, trees, and shrubs as well as the animals who rely on these things for survival. This shows how vital bees are for our planet making it clear why you need to make bee conservation efforts on your part.  


Bee Conservation Techniques

Following are some effective bee conservation techniques that you can use to protect these pollinators


  1. Plant More Bee-Friendly Flowers

The easiest way to conserve bees is by planting bee-friendly flowers preferably ones that are native to your area. These flowers are favored by the bees and they do not need very high maintenance to thrive.

You can find a suitable place on your rooftop, balcony, lawn, backyard, community gardens, and vacant lots to plant these flowers for bees to feed on. 


  1. Minimize the Use of Pesticides

Pesticides and herbicides are deadly for bees as they contain highly toxic components. You need to avoid using them, especially during the flowering season. This is the time when bees are more active and you need to ensure when they visit your flowers or garden, they get a safe place to collect nectar.

One way to minimize the use of pesticides is to grow native plant species that have evolved in the local ecosystem and are more resistant to native pests.


  1. Give Proper Nesting Places to Bees

You can either buy bee houses or bee hotels from garden centers or you can drill holes in wood or bunch together hollow plant stems or bamboo cans to provide bees with proper nesting places.

This can give bees a safe place for laying their eggs and resting when they are not busy pollinating or collecting nectar for making pure monofloral honey.


  1. Support Local Beekeepers and Organizations

It is a well-known fact that climate change is affecting bees and the local beekeepers and apiarists are the only thing that is standing in the way of these creatures and extinction.

You need to look for local beekeepers and organizations that use sustainable beekeeping practices and are making a conscious effort to conserve bees. By supporting them financially or buying honey and beeswax products from them instead of the isles of some supermarket chains, you can ensure they are able to provide bees with a healthy environment.


  1. Become a Lazy Gardener

Bees love to forage in lazy gardens where there are twigs or leaves scattered that they can use for nesting. About 30% of all bees live in holes in trees or hollow plant stems. By leaving these behind, you can give bees a cozy home where they can rest especially during winter.


  1. Limit the Use of Artificial Lighting at Night

Intense outdoor lights in your lawn or garden can impact the navigation of bees. They also disrupt bee behavior which directly influences their ability to collect nectar and pollinate flora.

You can limit this use by installing motion-sensing lights in these areas. This can provide a more natural and safer environment for bees to pollinate during nighttime.



When it comes to bee conservation, every single step you take matters more than you can imagine. These tiny pollinators need to be protected so that our ecosystem and food supply do not face any disruptions or threats.

By doing very simple things like planting more trees and flowers, avoiding the use of pesticides as much as possible, and providing bees with proper nesting places, you can give them the necessary support and protection that they need to grow and keep doing what good they do for us.


Geohoney is the leading honey brand based in Dubai with over 130 farms equipped with the latest new-tech monofloral initiatives. Our 100% pure, raw, and natural monofloral honey is carefully prepared using single nectar sources which ensures both a high concentration of nutrients and enzymes.

Working with worldwide beekeepers from more than 53 countries Goehoney strives to produce monofloral honey that meets the highest global quality control standards while using environmentally sustainable resources and adhering to socially responsible policies.

Visit GEOHONEY today to order from our wide range of pure monofloral honey gathered from farms around the world. 




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